Discipline in the classroom

The 800-pound gorilla no one talks about

On more than one occasion last semester when I was teaching at the local high school I walked out of classes because I wasn't able to control an unruly crowd of 35 teenagers.

10 go-to games for young learners' classes

Your kids will love them!

With a repertoire of 'fun' activities that are easily executed, new teachers can more easily build a working relationship with their classes. These games are not just a matter of filling time; they help re-engage a distracted class, they recycle vocabulary, get students using the language.

Trump gives himself a 10

The subtle art of self-evaluation

Not a lot of teachers I know use self-evaluation, and perhaps for good reason. There's a worry that students aren't qualified to self-evaluate, that it's the teacher's job (and duty) to allocate and distribute scores in some objective way.

The benefits of working in an after-school language centre

Extra cash and more teaching experience for starters!

Teaching at an after-school has been a worthwhile experience. If you are willing to build your endurance and self-discipline then you will gain the rewards of more experience and some extra cash to boot.

Useful classroom management techniques

These ideas have all worked for me!

If you have something the students want then you have a big asset in keeping your class under control. I have developed a few games and props that the kids love and I will use them when they start to tire or lose focus on a more testing part of the curriculum.

Getting the kids hooked young!

My goal is to not frighten the lives out of my students

I'm stepping back from the serious, academic approach and working on making my classes something that kids look forward to - even if they aren't learning as much.

The first days of the new school year

A new term usually means meeting new students

As you move into a new year with new classes, you may be considering what sort of impression you want to make on the students when you have your first lesson. What exactly should a teacher do in the first few lessons considering that these first impressions are so important?

My wishes

Reflecting on what I could have done better for my students

What had I achieved as a teacher, as a class?" "What had I given them? What had my students taught me during the past year?" So many moments of ups and downs, sheer joy and triumphs, but there were things I wish I could have done better.

How to motivate your students

From using humor and surprise to employing reward structures

Boredom grows from predictability. An occasional taste of the unexpected will make everyone's learning experience more enjoyable.

Teachers pets

Postbox letter from Mark

My favourite students are the ones who are the most attentive and involved in the class. I play to this section of the crowd.

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The Region Guides

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The dreaded demo

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Will I find work in Thailand?

Will I find work in Thailand?

It's one of the most common questions we get e-mailed to us. So find out exactly where you stand.