Tips for first year teachers in Thailand
How to maximize your teaching enjoyment!
Successful good quality teaching is never a "walk in the park." As you prepare to teach in Thailand really try to focus on being there for the students.
Classroom tech that's really useful
A look at Google Classroom and the Microsoft Surface
I've worked in several classroom environments using a variety of technology, but I'll be honest: in my [not so] humble opinion, most tech implementations end up being little more than gimmicks, or worse, distractions.
Teaching conversation in Thailand
Some ideas to make conversation classes more successful
Students find the ability to be understood in a foreign language the most gratifying aspect of the pain of learning it. If they don't get an opportunity to speak in the classroom they'll soon get bored.
The fantastical world of teaching in Thailand
A child's imagination is a beautiful thing
If you really enjoy your work and genuinely like your students then you'll already have the skill set needed to be able to determine what kids will enjoy while they are learning. My rule of thumb is... if I don't like it, my students won't either.
The ten teaching English in Thailand commandments
Tips and strategies to make your life easier
If you are new to Thailand, the following guide may help you to enjoy your time here and your classes more. If you are a burned out, old pro, the following gentle ‘reminder' may reinvigorate your verve.
Tips from the trenches
Tips to help a new teacher get through that very first day of class
Worried about that first day of class? The following compilation of articles might offer some insight into how to approach your students for the first time, regardless of their age, numbers and gender.
The joys of teaching Thai adults
Why they are so much more rewarding than kids
If anyone was coming to Thailand to teach I would recommend they teach adults as it will be a much more rewarding experience for them. You will also have lower stress levels and enjoy talking about a range of topics with students who, on the whole, want to be there.
Helping students with spelling
Activities for your writing classes
Make spelling part of your writing lessons. It works wonders and a poor spelling student before is now a poor speller no more.
On teaching classroom language
Getting students to use simple English all the time
Whenever confronted with students who speak Thai in class, I considered it an opportune moment to teach them the right structures.
Who gets the call when their arms are raised?
Which student gets the teacher's questions and why?
Here are the different groups of students within a typical class. They are quite distinctive and there's not really much of a gray area between them.