Some more reasons why you'll quit teaching in Thailand

Six more reasons why you'll be heading home before too long

The frustration of having no real authority over your students, interference from Thai teachers, the thankless task of morning gate duty and more!

A great career but......

Postbox letter from Elisha

The element of autonomy in the teaching world was what appealed to me about teaching compared to other (employee style) careers.

What you can learn working with colleagues from different countries

Everyone has something to offer you

Overall, I really enjoy having a true international environment at work. The chance to work and meet people from so many countries has improved me as a teacher and allowed me to learn a lot about other cultures.

Cheating or helping?

Is it better to simply observe students and not try to fix things?

I learned a long time ago to not expect Thai people to think or behave the way we do in California. I've come to realize the futility of trying to impose Western values on this ancient culture.

Getting the kids hooked young!

My goal is to not frighten the lives out of my students

I'm stepping back from the serious, academic approach and working on making my classes something that kids look forward to - even if they aren't learning as much.

Who is worth working for?

In search of the holy grail.

Is there a Holy Grail of ELT jobs? Why are some teachers happy, while others suffer under a yoke of abuse? Who are these employers that are spoiling our fun?

Low test scores are no surprise

Postbox letter from Sheri

It is not a surprise that Thai students score so low on English tests because they don't sense any urgency in learning English.

The 'Hour of Code' is here

Computer coding is going to become an essential skill for all students

Simply learning how to use popular software applications is no longer enough for today's students. Other countries are waking up to this reality and education departments have reformed their computer studies curriculum to introduce students to the basic principles of computer science from an early age.

Who gets the call when their arms are raised?

Which student gets the teacher's questions and why?

Here are the different groups of students within a typical class. They are quite distinctive and there's not really much of a gray area between them.

Halloween celebrations

Schools all over Thailand are spooking it up today

Schools even have a legitimate excuse for celebrating Halloween, because it is covered in the Thai MoE's foreign language curriculum - ‘students should be aware of foreign cultures and festivals.'

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Grade 5 Homeroom Teacher

฿50,000+ / month

Chiang Rai

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Coaching English Teacher

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Featured Teachers

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    Filipino, 24 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Airene

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  • Artem

    Russian, 34 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Keiera

    American, 29 years old. Currently living in USA

  • Maria

    Filipino, 31 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Inderpreet

    Indian, 34 years old. Currently living in India

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The dreaded demo

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Will I find work in Thailand?

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Air your views

Air your views

Got something to say on the topic of teaching, working or living in Thailand? The Ajarn Postbox is the place. Send us your letters!

Contributions welcome

Contributions welcome

If you like visiting and reading the content, why not get involved yourself and keep us up to date?

The cost of living

The cost of living

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Need Thailand insurance?

Need Thailand insurance?

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The Region Guides

The Region Guides

Fancy working in Thailand but not in Bangkok? Our region guides are written by teachers who actually live and work in the provinces.