The good, the bad and the virtuous!
By just being here, you are making the education system better.
I've isolated the most compelling reasons why people teach long-term in Thailand and there are four of them as far as I can see... we like doing it, we can do it, we get paid for doing it, and 'purpose'.
A diverse day in paradise
Beggars, food courts, communication problems, cancelled classes and disagreeable customer service
Just another day - another morning, another commute, another birthday and I'm on my way to teach at Speech Perfect at the Mall, Bang Kae in Bangkok. Just as I do every day - with the exception of public holidays.
Are TEFL teachers unambitious?
What can you do about it if you feel you're stuck in a 'teaching rut'?
So many people complain about conditions, wages and opportunities but do nothing to address these things. Some TEFL teachers seem to think this isn’t an industry or a “real” job so other aspects such as annual reviews and training aren’t relevant.
We love you, Ms. Leanne
A single female teacher's adventures in Thailand
I'd been to the land of smiles for me hols a couple of times before and I loved it! It was such a refreshing contrast to Luton's daily drudge of work - the same old shops, pubs, bars and singles' clubs - to a thirty-something lady still in her prime.
I'm starting to enjoy edutainment
Edutainment is the idea that teachers should entertain and not just teach students. Teachers should be like game show hosts or performers in the classroom.
Chances are that your employer in Thailand will put some pressure on you to add some edutainment to help them keep students and get good reviews. If you can’t do this then you’ll probably be looking for a new job pretty soon.
Teachers walk a razor's edge
Postbox letter from john doe
Most teachers are working in Thailand illegally. The reason for this is simple - most agents or schools don't provide costly work permits.
Ajarn's top ten blogs
What were our top ten most-read blogs in October 2018?
What were people reading in the month of October on the Ajarn website?
An honourable profession?
Memorable teachers and playing Father Christmas
I had looked forward to becoming a teacher for years and the thought had never crossed my mind that this particular job would be considered anything but decent and respectable. How wrong I was.
Peter and Nadine
When teaching careers end before they've even started.
Although teaching in Thailand can sound like one big adventure, I'm convinced that some people are not really built to leave home. Teaching in Thailand is just not for them. It's too much of a leap into the unknown.
Speaking Thai in the classroom
It is not what foreign teachers are paid to do.
It wasn’t until moving to a language school, with proper management, that I saw the negative side of a foreign teacher speaking Thai in class. It was also at that job where I saw that some TEFL teachers are actually stuck in the routine of speaking Thai with students.