Necessary qualifications for teaching?

Postbox letter from Paul

Hi there, my partner and I would be very interested in teaching in Thailand. She has a degree but I am only degree level via a UK, NVQ level 6.

Two types of language teacher

Postbox letter from Mark N.

Thai employers simply don't care about your bits of paper - except for the one that says you have a bona fide degree.

Will I find work in Thailand?

Is there a definitive answer to this incredibly common question?

I wish I could look at the main scenarios, the reasons teachers ask if they will find work in Thailand, and give everyone a straight "yes, you will" or "no, you won't" answer. But unfortunately it's nowhere near that straightforward.

It's the degree they want.

Postbox letter from Jeremy

I have my CELTA, from Bournemouth, England. Unfortunately it means nothing to most schools over here. It's the degree they want to see.

What to do about lost documents?

Postbox letter from Jonathon

I have now discovered that the university/college which provided the degree decided in 2001 to outsource their record keeping. My records along with a few hundred have been lost

The TCT letter concerns

Postbox letter from Licensed Teacher

The recent letter concerning the university letter for a teacher's license is not new. It is being reinforced.

TCT letter stirs up teachers

Postbox letter from Eric Haeg

A letter from the Teachers Council of Thailand (TCT) recently circulated social media, causing quite a stir among Thailand’s foreign teacher community.

What is a qualified teacher?

Postbox letter from Concerned in Chonburi

As things stand, I hear from a recruiter that the authorities are visiting schools - government schools at that - and rooting out teachers who do not hold both a PGCE and a Bachelor's degree.

A shortage of qualified teachers more like

Postbox letter from Jonathan

What Thailand does have, and will continue to have, is a shortage of qualified teachers because at present the salaries that government or mainstream schools can offer is far below what a large proportion of the teaching fraternity will come and work for.

There is hope

Postbox letter from Trevor

I am in my third year at the same government school. I have a TEFL certificate, but do not have a degree.

Showing 10 tagged items out of 58 total Page 1 of 6

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Need Thailand insurance?

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Air your views

Air your views

Got something to say on the topic of teaching, working or living in Thailand? The Ajarn Postbox is the place. Send us your letters!

Contributions welcome

Contributions welcome

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The Region Guides

The Region Guides

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The cost of living

The cost of living

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Will I find work in Thailand?

Will I find work in Thailand?

It's one of the most common questions we get e-mailed to us. So find out exactly where you stand.