Divine right
Can anyone realistically teach English?
Some people believe that every native English speaker is born with the ability to teach English. Unfortunately a high proportion of people with that belief appear to want to be teachers.
Excuses, excuses
Loosely to do with education I suppose
Kids can learn a lot from their elders. Right from wrong. Good from bad. There is no God. Greed is good. The list goes on. Bullshitting is one art form that is also passed down through the generations. This week we have an example and also link it in a convoluted manner to something bordering on educational.
Still going nowhere
Still kicking the topic of teacher expectations around
A continuation of the previous weeks stuff. This time focusing on what and who the teacher can expect to be teaching and also the question of flithy lucre. What's in it for me?
A worrying thought
Bizarre Thai student behavior
A slightly deep, for me at least, look into the psyche of learning. I begin by disecting the misonomer (or is it) " No one can teach anyone anything" and end up with a kid sticking his finger in a plug socket.
Scatterlings of Africa
Investigative journalism at its very best
A true life tale of a school controlled by the Sud Efrikan mafia or something similar.
Back to school
Shoes are polished and uniforms are in pristine condition
It's the first day back after the summer holidays, uniforms are donned and the ritual countdown to the first class of the new school year begins . . . begin
Those were the days
Why I chose Thailand of all places
Stuck for something to write so a bit about myself - most of it true, figure out the embellishments for yourself