Keeping a positive teacher mindset

Coping with the demands and frustrations of teaching

Stay positive and view issues pertaining to Thai education with a broad mind. Balancing your concerns, with a deeper understanding of how Buddhist values reverberate in the local community is the way to go!

People without formal teaching qualifications

I'm talking about those without as much as a TEFL or CELTA certificate

Some would say controversial words from Steve. But what is it about untrained teachers that really gets his goat?

It's not the 'Land of Smiles' for us

Facing challenges as a black teacher in Thailand

For the sensitive minded people who live in utter oblivion about skin color, this is probably not the article for you. But this is the cold hard truth.

I don't want to learn!

The biggest teaching hurdle: motivation

Motivation in the classroom, both from the teachers and the students, is essential for learning but it is a tricky balance to strike since the two are so interconnected; if the teacher loses motivation, so do the students and if the students lose motivation, so does the teacher.

How to be a successful teacher in Thailand

There is little correlation between a successful teacher and a good teacher

Success in Thailand is an easy (but often lengthy) process of self discovery. But it starts with finding out what is expected of you from everyone you come into contact with and being able to adjust your behavior to provide those things.

Young teachers vs old teachers?

Which age group do Thai employers really prefer?

It’s the argument that refuses to go away. Which teacher group do Thai schools really prefer to hire and for what reasons? In this light-hearted ajarn article, older teachers and their young counterparts square up to each other over 11 rounds. Seconds out!

Do you have to attend school events?

Does your school require you to take part in out-of-hours activities?

What is your school's approach to making teachers attend extra-curricular activities and secondly, what is your attitude towards them?'

Stick or twist?

Decisions, decisions, decisions

Like many other teachers I now find myself in the position where I need to make a decision about what I will do next academic year. Do I stay put? Or is it time to move on to pastures new?

Time management

Five tips for success

I have a few common-sense time management tips to offer for any of you newbies out there struggling to have a night on the town without stacks of work to be done nagging you in the back of your mind.

An overview of teaching in Thailand

I thought this might be of benefit to new ajarn readers in particular

I was asked to fill in a questionnaire by my old university on the topic of teaching English in Thailand. Although it was intended to encourage applicants to take a Thai study program in Germany, the information might be useful for those teachers thinking of coming to work here in Thailand.

Showing 10 tagged items out of 37 total Page 1 of 4

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Need Thailand insurance?

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Air your views

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The Region Guides

The Region Guides

Fancy working in Thailand but not in Bangkok? Our region guides are written by teachers who actually live and work in the provinces.