My thoughts on gate duty

It’s not a punishment. It’s not going to kill you.

Thai students actually really appreciate having foreigners there doing something such as gate duty. Moaning about it makes you look a bit pathetic.

In defence of the edutainers

A young teacher's perspective on teaching in Thailand

Most of the English teachers in Thailand seem to be slightly older so it’s understandable that they would view energy, positive reinforcement and affability in the EFL classroom with disdain and denial.

Where do you stand on gate duty?

Do you approach those extra responsiblities with commendable gusto?

For those readers who have spent their teaching career cooped up in private language schools, gate duty is when a foreign teacher at say a government or Thai secondary school is told to stand in front of the school building – usually in the morning or at the end of the school day - and look like an asset to the institution.

People without formal teaching qualifications

I'm talking about those without as much as a TEFL or CELTA certificate

Some would say controversial words from Steve. But what is it about untrained teachers that really gets his goat?

It's not the 'Land of Smiles' for us

Facing challenges as a black teacher in Thailand

For the sensitive minded people who live in utter oblivion about skin color, this is probably not the article for you. But this is the cold hard truth.

The Ideal Teacher

What makes the perfect teacher in the Thailand EFL classroom?

Let me point out that this list is based more on personal experience than large-scale research. Also, while most qualities on the list are probably appreciated worldwide, some are considered particularly important in the Land of Smiles.

Thai students and the fine art of copying

I couldn't believe what was going on in the classroom

I come from a society and a culture where the copying of anything in or out of a classroom is simply looked on as cheating. Not only cheating the whole idea of education but cheating oneself out of any possibility of learning, not to mention a total disrespect of the student who goes to the trouble of learning the correct answers in the first place. So I was appalled beyond measure when I saw my first example of copying in my classroom at my first school in Phuket.

Baby steps and spontaneity

An ode to a semester in the books

One thing I will say for any aspiring teachers who are even mildly contemplating the idea of hopping over the pond to teach is this: Give it a shot! I for one am 25 years old and despite being here for seven months, am still wildly unsure of what I want to do for a career.

Teacher or entertainer or teacher AND entertainer?

Postbox letter from Wes R

"We're not teachers, we're entertainers!" That's a dangerous little meme and it's something I've read countless times on countless websites as it concerns teaching English in another country, especially Thailand.

The nightmare team teacher

Postbox letter from Carl

I’ve had team teachers in Korea, China, Kenya and Thailand, And then there was Mrs. T

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