How to stifle student confidence
Confidence is key when students want to improve their English
Once confidence is acquired, the student makes remarkable self-perception and strives further to succeed. Therefore, instead of killing this important trait, let's develop it among our students.
How to motivate your students
An extract from a new book on teaching English to Thai students
Many studies have been undertaken to determine the reasons why South East Asian students have problems learning English. I would add to the list: weakness of the curriculum design, limited school resources, class sizes, poor course design, and course-books not always being relevant to the student's own environment.
Straight from the student's mouth
Asking for end-of-term student feedback
At the end of each semester, I ask my students to write down one thing they liked about class, one thing they didn't like, and one thing that they think I should do better.
Teachers playing games in class
Is it a case of too much monkeying around?
Games can reinforce what has been taught earlier in a lesson and can be used as a filler or as a reward for good work. But to expect foreign English teachers to spend the majority of their time entertaining students, especially adults, is, to me, just not right.
Science department camp
A fun school outing to Samut Sakhon
Apparently, once per year my department goes on some kind of a retreat. I felt quite honored when I was invited (more like coerced) to attend the all-Thai getaway.
Hi-energy English camp
I didn't realise teaching could be so much fun
I was asked by one of the companies I work for to help out with an English camp last week. Although I work during the day at a government school, my other employer was desperate, and I thought... why not. I only had to have a few classes covered, and it was a good excuse to try something new!
So many upsides
The joys of teaching internationally
There are some definite upsides to teaching internationally, especially here in Bangkok, but there are also some downsides. I am lucky enough to be part of an amazing community of ex-pat teachers who have shared some of their experiences with me.
Teaching quality vs teaching quantity
What to do when the odds are stacked against you?
So apparently my current Mathayom 2 reading class didn't finish the reading book assigned in Mathayom 1. The result is that I've been told I must teach both that book AND the one I was assigned to teach... in one semester.
Science day spectacular
Thais certainly know how to put on a show
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Thai schools love to put on a show. It's not always a GOOD show, but at least once every week or so, my school has some kind of event happening during morning assembly that lasts well into the school day.
Unending speaking day
Ideas to get your students speaking English
I had the rare privilege of attending an English seminar facilitated by one of the most sought-after language speakers in Thailand, Mr Andrew Biggs. I was able to get many ideas on how to make Thai students like English. One of these ideas is through auto-suggestion.