Teaching conversation in Thailand
Some ideas to make conversation classes more successful
Students find the ability to be understood in a foreign language the most gratifying aspect of the pain of learning it. If they don't get an opportunity to speak in the classroom they'll soon get bored.
Mobile phones in class? No way!
Postbox letter from Neil
Distractions can be a nightmare for a teacher (and foreign teachers in Thailand have to put up with a lot of interruptions, from Thai teachers etc). Interruptions must be kept to a minimum, wherever possible if one wishes to improve learning.
Phones in the classroom - a teacher's curse?
Should teachers tolerate telephones in the classroom?
Telephones have become an integral part of modern life, to the extent that they are an intrusion and compromise the long-term goals for our classrooms. I present the following arguments to support my position.
The fantastical world of teaching in Thailand
A child's imagination is a beautiful thing
If you really enjoy your work and genuinely like your students then you'll already have the skill set needed to be able to determine what kids will enjoy while they are learning. My rule of thumb is... if I don't like it, my students won't either.
The natural order of things
Not all students are created equal or should be treated as equal
In the best interests of the students who are capable, interested and who want to learn, some kids have to be left behind. That's why our school has streams.
Handling students with learning difficulties
How can I ignore students just because they are different?
I remember in my first week at my government high school there was a student who was severely autistic. I just wasn't prepared for the task at hand.
Random TEFL musings (part one)
Preparing yourself for teaching in Thailand
Teaching in Thailand isn't easy. Accept that you will never be the perfect teacher. Take classroom management seriously. Expect bad or negative things to happen. Finally, know exactly why the school has hired you.
More adventures in rural Thailand
My first semester at a Thai government school
I've now worked at a rural government school for a whole semester. I thought I might share with you my account so far, with some practical advice that may help ease your transition to teaching in Thailand.
Teaching young Thai kids with no resources!
How to be a success in the classroom with very few materials
‘How do I teach with no resources?' Well, if you are new to Thailand and teaching and have just started at a new school this may be useful to you.
The ten teaching English in Thailand commandments
Tips and strategies to make your life easier
If you are new to Thailand, the following guide may help you to enjoy your time here and your classes more. If you are a burned out, old pro, the following gentle ‘reminder' may reinvigorate your verve.