Whiteboard work

Postbox letter from Matthew

It’s interesting how we often take issues around boardwork for granted, even little things like how best to stand and write.

Writing on the board

Where do you stand as a teacher?

Classroom management problems are more likely when a teacher is not keeping an eye on the class, so turning your back to the students is not a good idea. Teachers do that when they write on the board.

Stars and candy

When rewarding our students for their efforts works ..... and when it doesn't.

Children aren’t pigeons. Learning isn’t simply habit formation reinforced by a teacher with an unending supply of stickers and stars. The fact is, we can’t induce children to do our bidding for long by offering a reward or issuing a threat.


The art of knowing what's going on in your classroom at all time

A withit teacher can see when students are not paying attention, which students can’t follow the lesson, when students are becoming restless, etc.

Secret classroom management techniques

Some tips for controlling students

In the beginning days and weeks, you have to be more stern, that's just the way it is. Don't be too playful. In fact don't be playful at all. You have to show the students that you mean business.

There's nothing wrong with playing favourites

Postbox letter from Mark

In Thailand, most large (40+) classes are overloaded with under-performers. When your time is at a premium you have to share it judiciously among the crowd. So you have to make hard choices

Personally, I love technology in the classroom

Postbox letter from Jim

I'm 100% behind tech in the classroom, it can save me time and the kids seem to enjoy the differentiation if nothing else.

Stop that noise!

8 classroom management strategies to regain control of your noisy classroom

With these 8 tips, I was able to feel more in control of my classroom, and I believe that they can help you too!

Recruitment season

To find the 'right' teacher, you first need to know what the 'right teacher' means.

If you're a school looking for a teacher, or a teacher looking for a school, there is someone out there for you. But if you're looking for more than a one-night stand, find the one you feel you can comfortably talk to.

Teacher talk time

What do the students really want?

I think a bit of TTT isn’t a bad thing. It can bring benefits if used correctly. Students don’t want a teacher who chats all class but neither do they want someone talking unnaturally for the sake of saving the odd word here and there.

Showing 10 tagged items out of 141 total Page 3 of 15

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฿40,000+ / month


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Science and Mathematics Teachers

฿42,000+ / month


English Conversation Teachers

฿35,000+ / month


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  • Shard

    Indian, 40 years old. Currently living in India

  • Keith

    American, 63 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Crystal

    American, 32 years old. Currently living in USA

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The cost of living

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Need Thailand insurance?

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The Region Guides

The Region Guides

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Will I find work in Thailand?

It's one of the most common questions we get e-mailed to us. So find out exactly where you stand.