
Postbox letter from Lauren

Your insinuation that school staff members hire cheap teachers so that they can squander the extra money on drinking is uncouth and plain culturally ignorant!

The longer I stay here

Postbox letter from Marvin

The longer I stay here the more I realize this country is unlikely to change. Now I am not saying that old teachers are the best teachers but I know teachers who have been here for 8 or 9 years and all their experience seems to be pushed aside for a younger crop who are to be fair more handsome and maybe have more energy.

My own experiences

Postbox letter from Wendy Williams

In reply to previous posts about unqualified teachers and the great and plentiful jobs that are supposedly available - I have to disagree

UK criminal record checks

Postbox letter from James

I’m from the UK and due to our privacy laws it’s impossible to obtain a CRC online, or by a simple phone call as in the U.S.

No degree, no problem

Postbox letter from richard

I'm tired of all this negative feedback about problems for unqualified teachers. This is Thailand. If the school likes you, they will easily find a way to make any government or immigration issues non-existent for you.

Loads of work for unqualified teachers

Postbox letter from Rob

I have just been reading about the changes to the law for unqualified teachers and thought i might give my opinion....as an unqualified teacher.

Discrimination pure and simple

Postbox letter from Jeff

When I see racist ads like the one that accidentally made its way onto the site, it only serves to open up some old wounds and scars.

Why female teachers only then?

Postbox letter from Paul Watson

I am looking for a decent gig up in Chiang Mai and was put off recently by a few ads asking for females only.

Blatant racism

Postbox letter from Robert

It appears that racial discrimination in advertising is alive and well in Thailand.I was appalled to see an advertisement on Ajarn.com which unashamedly advertised for white teachers only.

Absolute pile of sh*te

Are the job ads really that bad?

A disgruntled ajarn.com reader wrote in to say that he had never seen such low quality job ads on the Thailand TEFL websites. Is he right in his assumption? And if so, what are the reasons?

Showing 10 tagged items out of 106 total Page 7 of 11

Featured Jobs

Chinese Teacher

฿40,000+ / month


Weekend NES Nursery and Kindergarten Teachers

฿550+ / hour


Secondary Science Teacher (AP)

฿80,000+ / month


NES Teachers

฿47,000+ / month


Science and Mathematics Teachers

฿42,000+ / month


English Conversation Teachers

฿35,000+ / month


Featured Teachers

  • Artem

    Russian, 34 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Hammadi

    Moroccan, 40 years old. Currently living in Morocco

  • Jerland

    Filipino, 24 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Daniel

    British, 28 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Mazin

    Jordanian, 40 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Boaz

    Kenyan, 23 years old. Currently living in Thailand

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