Why female teachers only then?

I would like to add to the discrimination argument concerning ads asking for ‘white teachers only’ by asking why there are quite a number of schools asking for female teachers only? I am looking for a decent gig up in Chiang Mai and was put off recently by a few ads asking for females only. If these are genuine female-only schools with strictly female staff (or convents) then I can accept this but I read somewhere else on this website that recruiters are wary of single farang males looking to settle in Thailand. The given reason for being suspicious is that there is a universally held view that male teachers are in the Land of Smiles for the boozing and whoring. I know many guys are here for exactly these reasons – but not everyone. Is it lawful for recruiters to discriminate in this way and does this breach the same act that prevents recruiters asking for whites only? The ads I’m referring to don’t go into any reasonable detail as to why the fairer sex is sought but I feel like calling a few and asking why!
Ajarn.com - Paul, I think you'll find many kindergarten schools or those involved in the teaching of young children would rather employ a female teacher than a male teacher nowadays. I don't think we need to go into detail - we all know why. It has nothing to do with 'boozing and whoring'. There are some fine male childrens teachers around but females just present far less of a risk. End of story.
Paul Watson