Interesting Thailand stuff - June 2016

Another selection of interesting blog and article links

The rainy season is almost upon us. Why not kick back and enjoy some of the best Thailand-related articles that I've found on the internet over the past several months.

Dealing with the troublemakers

Discipline: tips on control in the classroom

Troublemakers. We have all seen them do their thing, causing mayhem and disorder in the classroom; perhaps you were even one yourself at some point during your time as a student. Troublemakers are the bane of every teacher's existence and they make our job go from difficult to pounding headache and hair-tearing proportions.

A permanent 'yes' relationship to the world

What it means to be poor

My family means a lot to me. In fact, they are all I have left. We are very close and I communicate regularly with my father and two sisters through Skype, email, and Facebook. I know how fortunate I am to have the family I do. Unfortunately, not too many others can say the same.

The real deal

Postbox letter from Juan de la Cruz

English cannot be learned in school alone. Even if you're the most effective English teacher in the whole world, a student will only learn English to full extent if he/she uses it outside of the classroom.

Can't Speak English?

Postbox letter from Pablo Gravoso

I am sure that my students will sooner or later become school administrators. I hope that they will not look at the color of the skin when they hire ESL teachers. They can hire whites, blacks or Asians. It doesn't matter. What is important is that they should look at the qualifications.

Happy hour at the ESL bar and grill

Amusing the students to death

Students are being scammed out of their money by an industry that is content to amuse the students to death by turning English language education into a perverted version of happy hour at Joe's Bar. Teachers and students deserve better than that.

A canteen lunch the only benefit

Postbox letter from Lisa

I notice a lot of schools have gone from paying monthly salaries to only offering hourly wages with no benefits other than a canteen lunch.

Culture of insouciance

The Cambodian rubbish dump, and my not so final, final exam

Many of the students in my class with their fancy clothes, laptops, I-phones, and I-pads, rarely experience an atmosphere where true learning takes place. Outside of the odd serious teacher they may have encountered along the way, they also live and learn in a rubbish dump, an educational one.

From Thailand to Cambodia

It was time to say goodbye Thailand and hello Cambodia

The last two months of my life have been a whirlwind of changes, emotions and excitement. The end of the term also signaled the end of my contract with the language company I was employed with and the start of new adventures.

He sleeps in a storm

Disorganization, discipline, and decisiveness in the overseas TEFL industry

I really dislike job interviews. Not because of anything I do. I show up on time; I wear the right clothes; I'm polite; I listen and I ask the right questions. But when it comes to the interview and meeting other people in this industry, whether fellow teachers, administrators, principals, or directors, the ‘niceties' stop at my cover-letter.

Showing 10 tagged items out of 12 total Page 1 of 2

Featured Jobs

NES English, Maths and Business Teachers

฿42,000+ / month


Chinese Teacher

฿40,000+ / month


Weekend NES Nursery and Kindergarten Teachers

฿550+ / hour


Secondary Science Teacher (AP)

฿80,000+ / month


NES Teachers

฿47,000+ / month


Science and Mathematics Teachers

฿42,000+ / month


Featured Teachers

  • Calvin

    Malaysian, 35 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Anna

    Russian, 29 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Logan

    South African, 26 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Moureen

    Kenyan, 25 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Judy

    Filipino, 25 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Jonnel

    Filipino, 27 years old. Currently living in Philippines

The Hot Spot

Need Thailand insurance?

Need Thailand insurance?

Have a question about health or travel insurance in Thailand? Ricky Batten from Pacific Prime is Ajarn's resident expert.

Contributions welcome

Contributions welcome

If you like visiting and reading the content, why not get involved yourself and keep us up to date?

Will I find work in Thailand?

Will I find work in Thailand?

It's one of the most common questions we get e-mailed to us. So find out exactly where you stand.

The dreaded demo

The dreaded demo

Many schools ask for demo lessons before they hire. What should you the teacher be aware of?

The Region Guides

The Region Guides

Fancy working in Thailand but not in Bangkok? Our region guides are written by teachers who actually live and work in the provinces.

The cost of living

The cost of living

How much money does a teacher need to earn in order to survive in Thailand? We analyze the facts.

Teacher mistakes

Teacher mistakes

What are the most common mistakes that teachers make when they are about to embark on a teaching career in Thailand? We've got them all covered.

Air your views

Air your views

Got something to say on the topic of teaching, working or living in Thailand? The Ajarn Postbox is the place. Send us your letters!