Everyone will pass!

Postbox letter from Roy

I’ve been teaching here a little over twenty years and have heard students say they don’t care if they fail because they know they will still pass.

Why can't Thais speak English?

Some of these students have had over 2,000 hours of English.

Considering that English has been the international language of tourism and commerce for I don't know how many decades now, and there are I don't know how many thousands of English teachers all over the country, why is the general level of English so poor?

Don't ask me

Postbox letter from Neil

In a previous position at a large government high school I was required to instruct my senior students in the art of expressing their opinions in English. Great idea!! One problem - these students had NEVER been encouraged to express any form of opinion in their native language and had no concept of critically appraising any statement made by their teacher.

Sneaky little cheaters

The joy of midterm exams

Midterms means a week of sitting bored out of our minds in classrooms with students that usually aren't ours. I feel bad for the students; I'm bored, and they're having to sit there and take test after useless test.

Parent power

Postbox letter from Keith Evans

We are currently halfway through the mid-term exams. Yesterday, a colleague and I were called into a meeting with some of the senior secondary students' parents, and the assistant director and a few of his cronies

Stop this no-fail policy

Postbox letter from Dr John Smith

I have many students that fail and one particular class I was supposed to teach had never turned up to a class, never took a test or exam and I failed them all. I was told that I could not fail them by the head of year and by the director of the school and that I would have to give them minimal scores.

How's the project doing?

A progress report on the Nonthaburi Project

The Nonthaburi English Teachers Project (NETP) in Thailand began in 2005. It has existed for nearly 9 years now but I haven't read a personal account yet from someone who is a part of it.

Researching the unknown

Postbox letter from James

In my opinion, many of the text books used in Asia in general are far in advance of the student's capabilities. They assume a level of competency that few attain, given the ‘happy happy’ method of teaching and the no-fail emphasis.

Help urgently required

Postbox letter from Jojo Tiger

I'm a teacher at the end of my tether with the situation I currently find myself in.

Beyond speaking day

Activities to get your students talking

My school director asked me to organise an English Speaking Day in our school. When I implemented the idea, my director was overwhelmed by its impact on students' interest and English language development.

Showing 10 tagged items out of 19 total Page 1 of 2

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