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The bloggers are lying about the costs

The bloggers are lying about the costs

I taught in Bangkok in 2019. It was a great experience but I didn't think too much of the financial aspect. I had 3,000 USD (I'm American) in my bank account before I came. When I left, I had 1,000 USD left. Before I came, one blogger wrote that you will do fine with 1,000 USD in the bank. Totally wrong.

What most travel bloggers dont talk about is the cost to be legally working in Thailand. Most schools don't pay the cost. Visiting immigration, border runs, transportation cost, picture fees, application fees, police clearance fees, work permit fees, etc... If you get scammed by your school and decide to stay in Thailand, you have even more additional costs. You have to find a hotel/hostel and stay for a few weeks to a few months and you're not getting paid for a few months while you find another job. If you can't find a job in 30 days, you have to do another visa run which is an additional cost. These costs mount up. I don't regret living in Bangkok but there are hundreds of costs you won't find out until later, and they can make and break you.


Don't blame Thais for your failed relationships

During my time in Thailand, I witnessed many people become seduced with the country and its people. In particular, men often fell deeply in love and lust with the young Thai damsels. Women often fell for the Alpha Thais - the fit, happy Muay Thai fighters. Most of these relationships ended through some sort of manipulative and dramatic event, with the expat often complaining about "dishonest" and "deceptive" Thais who only see them as ATMs or sex toys. I lived this reality and mindset for most of my time there, even though I was never scammed by a woman, I bought into this victim mentality.

Here's my quick point: people will take advantage of weakness no matter where they are from. If you are weak and naive enough to try to buy someone's love through gifts and promises, that is your problem, not theirs. People, particularly women, will test your strength. If they find a weak spot in you that makes you vulnerable to others, she will not have confidence in you as a man. She could be Thai, white, blue, whatever.

This principle of strength is the same as it is in the classroom. Your students will not follow you if you try to pander to them through kindness. They will tolerate you and follow their own needs until the bell rings.


Glued to smartphones

Glued to smartphones

Smartphones have now become a common tool for everyone. They have become a necessity already. I often ask my students and friends if they can last a day without their smartphones, and obviously, the answer is no. For people who can successfully control their desire to use smartphones and endlessly scroll through their Instagrams and Facebook accounts, it is not a big concern. Unfortunately, a lot of people do not consciously manage their screen time. This has become a big concern for many teachers in Thailand.

I have been here in Thailand for almost six years now. On my first day in school, I observed that Thai schools don't particularly prohibit bringing smartphones in the class. At first, I thought it was because the smartphones could be used as an aid to teaching and learning, which of course we could, but sadly it was not for that. Most students would just use smartphones as they wish even if their teacher is there discussing the lessons. It is quite challenging for foreign teachers to implement a no-phone policy since many Thai teachers don't implement this. This has become a great concern particularly in government schools where teachers are tired of doing endless documents for submission, compliance and promotions.

Try browsing Tiktok or Instagram's Reels and you will see many clips from students who are in the classrooms and are simply using their phones, sometimes, including even their teachers in their posts. Sadly, this is the case from grade school to university levels. How can these kids develop the skills they need to function in the future? Thailand should address this problem ASAP or they will live in a future where kids don't really care anymore about anything but their phones.


Things to consider with agencies

Things to consider with agencies

In my opinion, working for an agency is one of the worse things that can happen to a teacher in Thailand. Unfortunately, many schools in Bangkok are staffed by agencies. Here are some things you should keep in mind before you decide to work for an agency:

1. Agencies charge a minimum of 30% of your earnings. In some cases it is as much as 50% or more. If the school pays 60,000 baht per month, you may get 35,000 baht.

2. Schools pay for the whole school year, so if the agency offers a 9, 10 or 11 month contract, it actually takes even more of your money. If you don't get paid for semester breaks, it means someone took your money.

3. Probationary period can be a total sham. It takes a maximum of 2-3 weeks to organize the documents needed for a Non-B visa, not 3 months. Also, you should get a "work permit" as soon as possible, not after a few months. Working on a tourist visa or visa exemption is illegal.

4. You are just a warm body in the classroom. In case of any problems the agency will always side with the school and not you. In case of any problems with visas etc. the agency will always say that it is your fault.

5. Some agencies provide educational materials (e.g. PowerPoints), but most often they are of low quality, with many errors.

6. Many times you will be lied to by agencies. Their goal is only profit and that you quietly make hours, not your welfare. Some agencies portray themselves as "cool" and "trendy," but they too don't give a damn about you.

Do your best not to have to work for the agency. Good luck!


Hired and fired

Hired and fired

Being fired as a foreign teacher is par for the course at Thai government schools. Only if you are popular in the staff room will you last very long. Thai teachers are a strange breed, so proud and full of hubris but really know very little about anything. They need to be flattered and made to feel important. The longest I lasted in a Thai school was three years. Being fired from one is normal. All the foreign teachers I ever met were eventually fired including me.


Thai speakers do it better

It's a stone cold fact that the most-liked foreign teachers at my school are those that can either speak Thai fluently or at least to a basic conversation level. They get the most respect from students and have no problems with basic commands, explaining worksheets and tasks and maintaining order in the classroom. I've read a number of articles on the internet about not having to be able to speak Thai in the classroom in order to be successful, but I'm not so sure, particularly when faced with a classroom of 40 rowdy and easily distracted teenagers.


Grow up guys

Grow up guys

Strange that not being paid for not working has now turned to how badly you perceive yourselves to be employed. It's simple and there’s nothing right wing or conservative about it – you don’t like it, you leave. You go back to Europe and ‘the dole’ as people put it, where at least you’ll be fed and housed and have free medicine. What on earth is difficult to understand about that?

You can’t live on 30/40k in Bangkok? I don’t blame you, but have you ever thought of looking elsewhere for work, somewhere in Isaan where the cost of living is cheaper? You’re not prepared to eat Thai food? Too ‘beneath’ you is it? Straight off the dole in the UK and want to live it up in the capital playing the ‘big farang’? I am not better than anyone else, I simply perhaps have a little more sense than those of you who whinge on about having the same rights as in the UK or the U.S? You want those rights? Go back if you can’t hack it here!

You are correct, we only have one support system and that being ourselves and my original post asks why are you in the mess you’re in for not having saved a little for emergencies? There follows a tirade of it’s the schools fault, it’s the governments fault, my wage is too low, I’m not living on Thai food. You say in Thailand there are teachers who get paid 15,000 a month? I can assure you that I didn’t force them to work for that amount and I think that you wouldn’t find any in Bangkok working for that. I have never said (I repeat) that the Thais do not have a social safety net, it is we foreigners who don’t and it is up to us to look after ourselves. Again I repeat, if you are unable to do so then go back to Europe or wherever. The Thai boss does not have to save up for a rainy day because it’s not his rainy day, it’s yours.

Can we stop comparing conditions in Europe or the U.S to Thailand? You know the score here, (or perhaps you don’t) You pay 750 baht a month for insurance if you’re legal? Really? I was legal and didn’t. The school paid for my insurance and I topped it up to provide reasonable cover. You’re not paid enough? Go back home and try the minimum wage. The bottom line is that I don’t have a problem. Some of you guys do and that problem is of your own making in not being able to put a little bit aside each month, instead of blaming everyone else for it. Try the foreign Embassy, see what they say when you tell them you require assistance because you couldn’t or wouldn’t save.

I’ll tell you what the problem is; you’re in the wrong place with the wrong attitude; grow up and learn to adapt and stop blaming everyone else for the mess you’re in. This isn’t Europe. Is that what you were expecting? Has it all been a bit of a disappointment? Are you slowly learning that this isn’t the paradise you thought it was? Stop scratching your head and making excuses. I say this with all respect, but some of the letters I read should be signed 'loser'. You couldn't hack it in the UK or wherever and you've got the same problem here. No change there then.


Native English Burger Flippers (NEBF)

Native English Burger Flippers (NEBF)

There's so much talk about Filipinos, how about looking into the topic of Native English Burger Flippers?

The typical NEBF is a 40+ year old American or British, most often looking like someone from the lower class or with the physiognomy of a petty criminal or alcoholic.

The typical NEBF has right-wing or far-right views and has fled the West to find an easy life in Asia. He has had several relationships with Asian women, most often met in various bars.

In everyday life, NEBF has a very high opinion of himself, as he is a Native English Speaker. He can be recognized by his various stories about how other teachers are terrible and tragic. He dislikes South African, Filipino and other Asian teachers the most.

NEBFs are very thirsty for power, so as soon as they get even a little bit of it, they immediately start making life miserable for other teachers. Wars? Dramas? Constant backbiting of others? These are typical NEBF traits. Everyone is bad and only they are the knights on white horses.

Admittedly, most often they have no qualifications, but they are from the US or UK. That's enough.

NEBF can most often be found in smaller agencies and schools, where they work for 30-40,000 baht. If it weren't for these low-paying jobs, they would have to go back to where they came from and flip burgers for a minimum wage.


Why obtain a U.S. teaching license?

Why obtain a U.S. teaching license?

Greetings All, as I am contemplating the ever-growing possibility of making the leap to Thailand, I see it fit to present a few thoughts on qualifications beyond that of an undergraduate degree.

I understand an am empathetic towards proper international schools asking for a teaching license from one's homeland. As I am an American, I am not in a position to speak on the value of a teaching license from other countries. But, I will take some jabs at the perceived value of one from the U.S.

The recent data from the U.S. indicates that at most, one-third of 4th-8th graders can read at a "proficient" level. As that is one step above as barely basic, I cannot glorify what it means to be "proficient." Additionally, graduating seniors fall within this realm, though some data points have not come out as of yet. Furthermore, proficiency in History, and Civics are abysmal..some individual states at 12%. Interestingly, roughly 80% of pubic schools teachers in the U.S are women (traditional men are not wanted in the classrooms, there).

While I am certainly able to go on, along with providing the appropriate references for review, getting preoccupied with the data-matrix is not my main intention ((if Ajarn wishes me to do so, please let me know).

Literacy is everything and in the U.S., there is a distinct difference between literate and functionally illiterate: which U.S. public schools have, by design, created a rapidly growing society reflective of the later. When public schools took the systematic teaching of phonics out of the curriculum, electing to teach the "whole word" approach, a distinct demographic was highly impacted by this. Unfortunately, while teachers' unions have decided to jump on the rails of malevolent ideology as opposed to teaching what matters most, across the country, the nation's largest metropolitan areas (and once-great cities) have been under control of the Democratic Party (for quite some time). In these cities, minority-majority demographics represent an ironic reality.

What I am getting at, is that in all of these cities, crime, violence, gangs and murders are all the norm. With that said, during the early 90's, the Clinton administration commissioned a study on the sources of juvenile delinquency. The overarching theme with the source, was illiteracy. Though, there are more narratives to point fingers at but we can do that another day.

So, why would a teaching license from the United States be considered to hold any value? The data is there and the U.S.. has regressed to become a very dumbed-down, violent, anxious and ignorant society in which literacy skills are genuinely as bad as I noted (I only gave you a taste and matters are worse, due to COVID).

Personally, and I do have a bias in this debate, an experienced ESL teacher with an M.A. related to Education, History, English or Political Science can do better. This comes with the assumption that a genuine enjoyment and level of dedication to the job are prevalent, along with the right personality and disposition(s) being included. See, experienced ESL teachers have a major advantage: experience teaching phonics (especially if you have taught in South Korea). Furthermore, I believe along with many of my colleagues, that teaching is NOT a the likes of Thorndike, Dewey and the followers of their progressive gospel, carrying their measuring sticks, wanted folks to believe. In fact, William C. Bagley was right all along, and has all but disappeared from the curriculum in teachers' colleges in the U.S. BOTH Essentialism and Perennialism have been demonized by Progressive (and Post Modern) education in the U.S. for decades and are portrayed as some fictional narrative from the past.

As noted, I cannot speak on the value of a teaching license from other countries. However, if I am Director of Studies at an international school and two candidates are competing for the job, each from America with one having a teaching license and the other having in M.A. in one of the aforementioned disciplines, along with some experience as an ESL teacher....I'm going with the candidate with the M.A.

As an American, you could not pay me enough to buy into failure by obtaining a teaching license here. Why would any rational individual want to invest in designed failure?


Know your entitlements

I find it strange that some things aren't stated about working as a teacher in Thailand. Firstly, if you are contracted directly by a government school, they are legally required to enrol you in the social security scheme, the teacher paying one part and the school paying also. This will cover all medical expenses in a government hospital and it also pays towards several other benefits such as childbirth and some unemployment payments and over the long term, a pension. Should you then decide to work in non-government school, or heaven forbid for an agency, you can move over to self-payments, which are about 450 baht a month, and retain medical cover and pension.

I know this because I had a heart attack, and received full ongoing treatment for free. Plus if you return to your home country, you may also get a lump sum of the pension payments you have made. Also paying tax will also see you have a tax rebate. If you are married and have other expenses, most tax offices will be happy to help you. Be wary of some agencies stating they only pay for less than a year. Most will have received the funding for the whole period and the other legal requirements of a government school. If injured at school, the school are responsible. Don't let them tell you otherwise unless the agency can show/give you insurance details while you are at work.


Showing 10 Postbox letters interviews out of 758 total

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