David Parfitt's blog on Ajarn.com
I definitely made the right choice
The expat teacher lifestyle is filled with rewards
I've always wanted to travel, write, and have varied experiences, and I'm now able to do those things.
Honestly, I'm here in Thailand to teach
For the male teachers out there, how do you build rapport in the classroom?
There's no denying it: there's sometimes a stereotype about male English teachers in Thailand being seen as sex tourists. If you're single, you're fighting an uphill battle against this perception.
A teaching room of your own
It's not just about having a space to teach; it's about creating a hub for learning, laughter, and lifelong memories.
Starting out as a floating teacher meant I didn't have a proper classroom for the first two years. It was like being a nomad in the world of education, but it taught me to adapt like a pro.
The ideal student to teach
What characteristics make the perfect Thai student?
It's only fair for teachers to entertain thoughts about the benchmarks for role model language learners. Let's explore the traits that many teachers would cherish in their students.