The all new 10-year retirement visa

Who is it aimed at exactly?

A buzz of excitement went through the Thailand expat community last week, when it was announced the Thai government planned to offer ten year visas to those over the official Thai retirement age of 50. That buzz of excitement was shortlived however once any street savvy expat decided to delve into the figures and requirements in more detail.

Age limit by Ministry of Education?

Postbox letter from Richard

I feel like I've been spinning my wheels here for weeks sending CVs and emails and not getting any results.

Don't be quick to judge

Postbox letter from Tency Tupper

Many people over the age of 60 are brilliant teachers. Many physicians still practice into their late 70s. After all, wouldn't it be a waste to let all that knowledge go down the bin?

Oldies........but goldies?

Are those teachers over 45 suddenly too long in the tooth?

With one or two positions on the jobs board asking for teachers no older than 45, asks if this is the start of a terrifying trend and whether our middle-aged days are numbered? Is the TEFL industry about to be over-run with lantern-jawed buck studs who've barely started shaving? Your e-mails came in by the truckload but strangely no one under 45 years old had an opinion (well, only a couple). As someone who turns 42 next month, I'm already finding out the locations of reputable nursing homes. Enough of all this - I need to go again.

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Featured Jobs

Secondary Science Teacher (AP)

฿80,000+ / month


NES Teachers

฿47,000+ / month


Science and Mathematics Teachers

฿42,000+ / month


English Conversation Teachers

฿35,000+ / month


NES Teachers

฿40,000+ / month


Corporate Teacher

฿47,000+ / month


Featured Teachers

  • Meralyn

    Filipino, 26 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Mark

    Filipino, 24 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Jhon

    Filipino, 29 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Grigory

    Russian, 36 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Reshel

    Filipino, 29 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Tanaka

    Zimbabwean, 27 years old. Currently living in Thailand

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