Skin color does matter in Thailand

Postbox letter from Sano

I do agree that a language should be taught by a native speaker but it is also important to look at the person's qualifications.

A degree is a necessity in education

Postbox letter from James

I agree that education ought to be about quality; a degree alone doesn’t guarantee that, but what it does do is guarantee that the holder is in possession of some knowledge gained over a substantial period of intense study, against that of no formal education.

Who is really qualified to teach?

Postbox letter from Jonathan French

A friend of mine works at a school and is head of English, he doesn't have a degree and neither have a lot of the teachers there. The school is quite happy even though a tad illegal but at the end of the day, the students are getting a good education from teachers who know their subject.

My own experiences

Postbox letter from Wendy Williams

In reply to previous posts about unqualified teachers and the great and plentiful jobs that are supposedly available - I have to disagree

Loads of work for unqualified teachers

Postbox letter from Rob

I have just been reading about the changes to the law for unqualified teachers and thought i might give my an unqualified teacher.

Max Weber 101

Postbox letter from Chris

In times where the majority of Western teachers were monocultural and monolingual – able to speak but English, and unfamiliar with other cultures in all but the most shallow of senses – native languages were thought to have no place in the second language classroom.

How to generate a teacher shortage

Postbox letter from Ajarn Robert

I have been teaching in Thailand for over 6 years now and I feel qualified to make a few observations and even point to a few changes that could make a difference.

The damage done by unqualified teachers

Postbox letter from David

Of course "the number of qualified teachers willing to work in Isaan falls far short of the number required." It takes a lot of hard work, sacrifice and dedication to attend university for 7 plus years in order to become a qualified teacher.

Teaching in Issan

Postbox letter from Man in Issan

The letters about teaching in Issan without degrees are wide of the mark. For one thing Issan isn't the "out in the sticks" place that it used to be.

Academics need to chill

Postbox letter from D. Robinson

Why do some/many university degree holders think that people without a degree are not qualified to teach the English language?

Showing 10 tagged items out of 61 total Page 3 of 7

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฿42,000+ / month


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฿35,000+ / month


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    Russian, 34 years old. Currently living in Thailand

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    Moroccan, 40 years old. Currently living in Morocco

  • Jerland

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  • Daniel

    British, 28 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Mazin

    Jordanian, 40 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Boaz

    Kenyan, 23 years old. Currently living in Thailand

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