The damage done by unqualified teachers

The damage done by unqualified teachers

In response to Bob The Black Poet (The great Isaan teacher shortage, Postbox 9th August) You have totally missed the point, misunderstood, misconstrued and quoted me out of context. Firstly, to answer your question. Yes I am presently working in a small town in Khorat!! I tried the swanning around Bangkok thingy for a short time but, I couldn't handle being tarred with the same brush as all of the sex-tourist farang teachers in the big smoke that are working soley to extend their tourist visas.

It's nice to see that you agree that there is a desperate need for "qualified" teachers up here. That is the main point I was trying to make. Specifically, as long as there is a supply of unqualified personnel to fill the demand, misguided and confused people such as Rapheala will continue to facilitate unscrupulous agencies and schools to "bend the rules". This is basic business logic, generally accepted worldwide.

Please re-read my comment concerning the government agenda. The Thai government has allocated 60,000 Thai Baht per teacher to ensure that every school in Thailand has at least one N.E.S. teacher!! This is a big temptation for schools to hire people willing to work illegaly for a fraction of this amount and pocket the rest. However, if there wasn't a supply of illegal workers, a way for them to circumvent the rules, and they had to offer the full amount to attract a qualified teacher, then I would surmise that there would be many willing to accept employment in rural areas.

Of course "the number of qualified teachers willing to work in Isaan falls far short of the number required." It takes a lot of hard work, sacrifice and dedication to attend university for 7 plus years in order to become a qualified teacher. Is it fair that one should have to compete with individuals such as Raphealla for employment? He/she is not providing anyone, least of all the students, any benefit.

I stand by my original point. Unqualified personnel, in any field, willing to work for a stipend of what the market will bear, create a condition whereby qualified personnel can not or will not seek employment in said field. I hope that answers your question as to exactly whose job Raphealla is taking. One final question. If these teachers of which we speak are qualified then why are they working in a country that facilitates there employment illegaly? Could it be that they wouldn't be allowed to work in any other country? (O.K. that's 2 questions, so sue me already)


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