Abel Cadias's blog on Ajarn.com
Good morning campers
Themes and ideas for your English camp
Facilitating English camps has always been challenging and fun for me but ten years ago I had absolutely no idea how a camp worked or what it was tring to achieve.
English for integrated studies
Its implications for Thailand’s foreign teaching industry
In 2009, the Ministry of Education promoted the so-called "World-Class Standard Schools" to 500 pilot schools in Thailand. It aims to encourage schools in promoting critical thinking, creativity and global-mindedness among the students by adding four co-curricular subjects
My October highs and lows
Or perhaps we can refer to them as likes and dislikes
Some news and opinions of events and training programs especially aimed at Filipino readers and expats.
Transforming lesson plans into modules
Plans to develop a better school curriculum
Teachers who use their own modules know very well the advantages they bring to classroom teaching and professional development.
We're so sorry
A sad and shocking day for all Filipinos
Millions of Filipinos, including me, were shocked at the poor handling of the hostage situation by our own security enforcers. It was an embarrassment to our capability to save lives. This we cannot deny.
A chop suey approach
A little bit of everything from the last couple of weeks
Here’s something that the Filipino teaching community could hope for: a bilateral agreement with Thailand in upholding “better” salary scale and fringe benefits.
All about the Filipinos and Friends in Chiang Rai (FFC)
Some background on a vibrant teaching organisation in Northern Thailand
While this organization appeared insignificant in the eyes of the Foreign teaching community in Thailand, it played a very big role in solving the most immediate need of the foreign teaching community in 2008.
Pinoy Embassy, Associations and Groups
A look at some Filipino organisations active in Thailand
The Filipino Community in Thailand has a wealth of large and small organisations to choose from.
Michael's Story
A remarkable story of overcoming some of life's obstacles
I'm featuring Filipino teachers' stories and tackling some employment issues concerning foreign teachers from a Filipino's perspective which I hope might add to the tone at ajarn.com. So, wish me luck!