I'll find a place that values my experience
Postbox letter from Cliff
Thailand, a country I've dreamed of teaching in, has shut its doors because apparently, I don't fit their preferred age bracket. "Under 55," they say. As if my years of experience mean nothing.
A readers question - finding teaching work at 60
What did the teachers on Ajarn social media have to say on the matter?
I am a 60-year old British man, living in Nonthaburi, and just about to retire from working for a large company in Thailand. I have thought about taking up teaching English but I don't have a bachelor's degree.
Pathetic reply to letter accusing Ajarn.com of being supporting ageism
Postbox letter from Lawrence Schultz
I was appalled at your reply that Ajarn would do a disservice to young teachers by refusing job ads that openly declare ageist policies in hiring.