An innovative teacher
Using technology to create interest in language learning
I once attended an English Camp in Sainoi, Nonthaburi, Thailand. There I was lucky to meet one facilitator who had an interesting personality. He was worthy to be featured in a blog so this time you will read something about him. He was one of the teachers who continually updated his lessons to make his students learn English through the use of modern technology.
Back in the Philippines, he owned a computer shop but when he came to Thailand, he was able to land a teaching job in the Nonthaburi English Teachers' Project for 5 years. He also worked in a Thai company for a year, and now works as a freelancer promoting his smart board, inter-action, electronic flash card setter, multi-purpose conversation board, quizmaster's aid, and newly developed materials.
In my informal chat with him, he was able to tell me his reasons for creating new programs.
He said, as a teacher, he must be updated on finding ways to ease his teaching and to make his students learn English better. In fact, he produced his new material - smart board with camera and pen. He used this one time in his class (while he was still in the project) and his observer gave him an outstanding rating.
He further said that in this century, students have tablets, notebooks, and computers which they can learn better through the program he made. Teachers can share this with their students and the latter can learn English with more fun.
His students were his inspiration. He would like them to learn English meaningfully using e-learning. Because of his desire to reach out to more Filipino teachers, he opened a site where one could have access as long as the teacher shared a lesson plan in any topic or level. He thought that this would serve as a resource for teachers who would seek new things in their teaching.
His activities had been shared with friends and colleagues in one center situated in a mall in Bangyai City, Thailand. He also regularly shared his new programs in seminars during holidays and would let attendees try his programs for free.
The most successful presentation he was so proud of was about a show in Impact Muang Thong Thani,Thailand two years ago wherein a person with high position in the Ministry of Education, Nonthaburi Province, Area 2, appreciated his work.
Later on this official sent three computer experts to observe his works in a demonstration. While his most astounding performance was the time when he disposed nearly 30 USBs of his program. Whenever he finished a new program, he invited friends and interested teachers to attend his presentations.
I bought an updated version of his "Inter-action" last month in Nonthaburi Hotel after he presented this program to the teachers of Chulalongkorn Uniserarch during a seminar there. Inter-action has these features:
Fifty-four topics to teach English from personal information, health, food, ASEAN, to many things. Each topic has 5 activities from Vocabulary, Spelling, Games, Structure, to Reading, with 4 different voices of speakers, could be slowed down or made fast applicable to the learner, and the most laudable part of his work, topics can be revised/modified.
I used it in my classes recently and students were like eager beavers to do the spelling, games and vocabulary.
In his updated version, Vocabulary has 4 kinds of activities. Spelling has also four different activities. Structure has 7 kinds of structure on a topic based on student level, and Reading has paragraphs, check-up questions, can maximize one picture, and the teacher can add as many questions possible.
Try the new version of my friend's "Inter-action", and it will be the beginning of a more meaningful and modern way of teaching. By the way, I recently acquired a touch-screen computer so that I can use the material effectively in my class. Interested? Give me your comments.
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Thank you Mark Newman for inspiring me more to improve what i have now. As may favorite motto says, "There is always a better way." is the reason why i keep on improving anything I've finished. By the way Mark if you are interested to have a free copy of some of my software, just give me a ring. Thanks and God bless.
By Ceasar , Nonthaburi (18th July 2015)
Mark...Wow! How wrong can you be...complicated? Maybe you're doing it wrong, or can't be bothered to figure it out? I am living proof that it really does work...You know you can upload your own images...right? The images can be used with all the games/flashcards/worksheets...without glitches...If there is another ESL site that has 'outdated flash'quality games like BF then please tell...Granted, for it to be really effective you need internet/big screen TV...If your school does not have access to these 'miracle' aids...then you're at the wrong school...
By Daniel Harris, Bangkok (18th July 2015)
Ceasar, you have an inventive mind and a knack for technology.
I respect your enthusiasm and knowledge getting all the science and the promotional videos together.
Keep working on it and you will one day have a good polished product that you can share with fellow teachers.
Good luck.
By Mark Newman, Thailand (18th July 2015)
I am using the Inter-Action program too, from Ceasar Balane. It benefits a lot to my students. It is easier for me to have them listen in a longer span of time. I recommend this program too.
By Raquel Estremos, Sainoi Nonthaburi (17th July 2015)
Thanks Benito for appreciating my work. Glory to God. By the way, if anyone is curious about these software and hardware I created, you can try to open the channel in youtube just type "ceasar nowelle channel".
By Ceasar, Nonthaburi (17th July 2015)
Sorry Daniel. I disagree with you about BarryFunEnglish.
I signed up for the Premium service and found the website to be overly elaborate and complicated to navigate.
Also, it's stocked high with a lot of average content that's freely available from great sites such as https://en.islcollective.com/
For those who can't 'mirror' to a projector or a big screen TV, then the only useful things there are the print outs. They ain't much to write home about.
If you DO have good WiFi and the capacity to project the website in front of a class, the site relies too much on outdated Flash technology and loads too slowly.
But, hey, don't take my word for it. Try it yourself for a month for free. (No credit card required.)
By Mark Newman, Thailand (17th July 2015)
There's a program called, 'BarryfunEnglish'...by far the best program out there for Pratom ESL teachers...It was showcased at Chulalongkorn about 5 years ago...but fell on deaf ears...It costs 600 baht a year...It's a mystery to me why teachers ignore this site...It makes the job a lot easier...kids love it...teachers love it...must be the price tag...Yea...that must be it...
By Daniel Harris, Bangkok (17th July 2015)
Mark, you can get it fromC-zar. I have given you the number in the above comments. If you like you can call me up 0894830185. Thanks for the interest.I will meet him tomorrow for he will deliver me th e touch screen computer which I will use for his program. I will tell him.
By Benito Vacio, Nonthaburi (15th July 2015)
Mark, thanks for reading my blog. THis is my friend's number, 0949899941 and his name C-zar. Good luck.
By Benito Vacio, Nonthaburi (15th July 2015)
I'm very interested in looking at these programs. Where can we get them?
By Mark Newman, Thailand (15th July 2015)