The tables have turned for NES teachers!

The tables have turned for NES teachers!

The C-19 pandemic and changes in the global labor market have resulted in fewer NES teachers coming to Thailand to seek work. Where once potential recruiters appear to have held all the cards, resulting in low wages and poor working conditions. It seems like the tables are turning, certainly for those of us that are NES teachers. Across the board, wages have certainly risen over the past two years, and one can find a relatively well-paid position if they exercise some patience.

I am teaching in a tier 2 international school with a package that includes a 70k baht monthly salary, yearly return flights to the UK, excellent health insurance and a provident fund. This is in Chiang Mai where the wages are lower than Bangkok. I have no doubt I could find a position in Bangkok that pays 80k baht or more. I have friends that have acquired similar positions over the last couple of years. That’s despite none of us holding QTS, though we all have some sort of teaching qualification, be it a PGCEi or a Masters. For too long we have under-valued ourselves, and under-valued the demand for NES teachers here in Thailand.

We have been fed the myth that a ‘low cost of living’ and Thailand being a ‘developing nation’ are reasons for paltry wages and poor working conditions. For those of you that are NES teachers, the time is now for you to make the change and improve your lot. There are plenty of positions out there, and you are much more sought after than you think. So, don’t be afraid to ask for an extra 5-10k baht a month, demand the best health insurance, and stop being taken advantage of!


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Featured Jobs

Hourly Paid Instructor of English (EFL/ESOL/ESL)

฿946+ / hour


School Director

฿70,000+ / month


NES English Teachers

฿45,000+ / month

Nakhon Pathom

Thai Language Teacher

฿26,000+ / month


English Conversation Teachers

฿35,000+ / month


Kindergarten / Primary Homeroom Teacher

฿37,000+ / month


Featured Teachers

  • Cassandra

    American, 33 years old. Currently living in USA

  • Artem

    Russian, 34 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Emrah

    Turkish, 47 years old. Currently living in Turkey

  • Hardi

    Indonesian, 58 years old. Currently living in Indonesia

  • Matthew

    Filipino, 26 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Diana

    Filipino, 25 years old. Currently living in Philippines

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