Good morning Vietnam

How the tables have turned. I don't know about Thailand but I think it is Vietnam that is an exciting place to be. With the coup here causing there to be an unstable government to Vietnam where the government is totally stable because of its communist ruling. I should imagine Vietnam joining the WTO will waken the Thais up economically and show they aren't the big fish in this pond. If people want to address the real problems here then it is simple. The smiles are gone it is now here comes the falang the walking dollar sign , how much can we get if nothing - don't worry another one will be along soon. This is one thing we have to deal with constantly whilst living here. The other is the constant backstabbing from everyone you work with because nobody really knows what they are doing and they are in it for the money.
Then you have the total illogical way of how Thais do everything compared to the falang. You have the drunks, sex fiends and brainless teachers who are here for no other reason than self indulgence which means they are occupying jobs that could be taken by real teachers. You have the pathetically low wages that aren't going to tempt you away from your home comforts at home in your home country. But of the biggest problems this place has are the international schools who pass the children no matter what. If this was to stop then it would be a big step forward. When you are encouraged to do this , this means the school is in it for the money, and this is called a scam. If they were to fail students it would also tell you how good your teacher who you have employed really is and is he good enough to be at your school.
How can you measure progress with the same result? Stop passing failing students and evaluate you teachers by their results. As for the teachers being drunk and sex tourists it not as though you can ask them to stop. Thailand would have to close every bar and massage parlor down to even get close to stopping this problem. The teachers who like a drink , there was a Professor at my University who was constantly on the sauce, this is not just a problem here. It happens everywhere. You cannot simply eradicate this problem. The Thais love a drink more than anyone. Maybe Thailand will look at Vietnam's stability and consider the same path. Let's hope not. I see a lot of bad teachers who cost the real teachers so much ( those with and without degrees ). It is totally up to the schools to evaluate their teachers and who they hire, it is them who cause the problems because they want the cash.
Those schools who pay the MOE to look the other way hold back the progress of the entire educational system of Thailand and that is why the language schools are full on the weekend because the parents realize their children cannot speak an ounce of English by the time they have left school. Start with the fat cats who own these schools and then install a standard exam that every student must take and mark them genuinely. Fail the students who dont' pass, they don't bother because the teachers can't be bothered and then you'll know which are the best schools and who are the best teachers. Truth and honesty breeds integrity which I don't see much of in the schools or anywhere else.
JP Robinson