The Venice of the East

How Bangkok's waterways could improve your life no end

Any reader who has lived in Bangkok near a canal for any length of time, will know not only how efficient and inexpensive the system is, but also how unappreciated and unused the system is by expats in general and how they could easily benefit from cheap, reliable and extremely quick transport around Bangkok.

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Featured Jobs

NES Primary and Kindergarten Teachers

฿52,500+ / month


NES Primary and Secondary English Teachers

฿60,000+ / month


Full-time NES Teachers

฿47,500+ / month


Grade 5 Homeroom Teacher

฿50,000+ / month

Chiang Rai

English, Science and Math Teachers

฿42,300+ / month


Primary ESL Teacher

฿50,000+ / month


Featured Teachers

  • David

    American, 45 years old. Currently living in Vietnam

  • Josiah

    Singaporean, 37 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Iliyan

    American, 31 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Dirk

    German, 64 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Zaid

    South African, 39 years old. Currently living in Vietnam

  • Melanie

    Filipino, 33 years old. Currently living in Philippines

The Hot Spot

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Need Thailand insurance?

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The cost of living

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Air your views

Air your views

Got something to say on the topic of teaching, working or living in Thailand? The Ajarn Postbox is the place. Send us your letters!

Will I find work in Thailand?

Will I find work in Thailand?

It's one of the most common questions we get e-mailed to us. So find out exactly where you stand.

The Region Guides

The Region Guides

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The dreaded demo

The dreaded demo

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Contributions welcome

Contributions welcome

If you like visiting and reading the content, why not get involved yourself and keep us up to date?

Teacher mistakes

Teacher mistakes

What are the most common mistakes that teachers make when they are about to embark on a teaching career in Thailand? We've got them all covered.