Tips for new teachers coming to Thailand

Tips for new teachers coming to Thailand

Usually your experience doesn’t matter too much as long as you’re likable, preferably younger and enthusiastic towards the students. The degree matters but here in Thailand the TEFL doesn’t matter as far as obtaining a job but will help you in the classroom with lesson planning and classroom management. Don’t accept a lower wage in regards to your experience. 38-43k is the usual “fair” wage. Don’t work for less, it’s not worth the time or frustration.

If you've never worked in Thailand before you'll probably see a lot of things you won't like (6-year-olds drinking Pepsi at 8am, teachers turning up stinking of beer and/or cigs, teachers being told to ''just pass them'' in exams even though in reality they can't answer the question 'What is your name?'...the list is endless). My best advice is try not to rock the boat or change anything...unless you work in one of the very top international schools, your well meaning advice will be ignored. Just come and enjoy your time here!

Do try and be nice to your Thai co-teacher if you are fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to have one. They are the boss make no mistake about that. Be nice to all your Thai colleagues. Don't tell them what to do. Don't come in with a superior attitude. Beware your foreign colleagues, they can be very slimy. Don't take work home with you. Don't do extra if you dont want. Don't think you're going to get anywhere unless you train yourself. CPD is nonexistent in the typical EFL Thai schools. None of this applies to international schools obviously, Have fun, try to get out and meet as many people as you can and travel at each and every opportunity.

Cary, Ed and James

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