The grass is greener!

I have been an avid reader of the website for over nine years. I had taught in Thailand for five years before I moved to Saudi Arabia in 2010. Although I left Thailand four years ago, I still keep in touch with some of my former colleagues and I visit the website at least once a week.
I had five excellent years living and working in Thailand, but the nonsensical bureaucracy eventually drove me away. It seemed (and still seems to me) that the bureaucrats in the Thai MOE and the department of immigration are still trying to drive the foreign teachers away by constantly moving the goalposts and introducing ridiculous regulations.
I live and work in probably the most enigmatic country in the world, but after all of the necessary checks have been made, then one is treated with respect and not with contempt. I say to all of the teachers who feel like they are being treated with contempt “Move on and look for a job somewhere you won’t be treated in the same manner you are now”