Teachers' night

Teachers' night

In answer to Renee and the other ladies who have written in to the Postbox - all it takes is a little bit of organisation. Quite a number of years ago, we used to have an ajarn.com teachers' evening at The Londoner on Sukhumwit Road and they were very popular. I've been toying with the idea recently of re-organising such an event on perhaps a fortnightly or monthly basis. I think in these uncertain times, there are even more reasons for teachers to get together in an informal atmosphere and share information. Whether it's a ladies only event or open to all is neither here nor there. Female teachers would hopefully turn up in droves and naturally gravitate towards each other. It would be just nice to make a few new friends I guess. The first thing you need of course is a venue and there's never going to be a shortage of offers from restaurants or bars looking to fill the place early in the week. It also needs to be somewhere that's easy to get to for everybody. So if anyone has any suggestions on a venue, then I would happily talk to the owner or manager and I can give 'a teachers evening' all the publicity it needs on the ajarn website.

I have been approached before by that Mexican restaurant near the mouth of Sukhumwit 33, and indeed they started to promote a teachers evening. I never went though and I'm not sure if it was a success or not.

Bangkok Phil

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