Lazy Sunday afternoon.... are you joking?

Well that's another weekend over, prep work done for next week and its only 9pm Sunday night which gives me another hour or two before I think about those staires and a very nice cosy bed.

Time to think about life, well we all chew the fat don't we?.... I find it a great time to bounce those ideals and those thoughts on life, this time at home chilling, yes chilling in Thailand, well excuse the pun. Thailand is chilled in so many ways excluding what we all know as per the temperature. Oh I still need aircon, even in November and December, but what a lovely thought eh?

I went for a swim this morning before breakfast, and then dried off soaking up some winter sun before ice cold milk, corn flakes then tea. A little conversation with some local friends, then it was time to get ready to support the girlfriend and her visit to her temple. Did I have to go?... well no, but is that not the point of a relationship supporting ones significant other? Look I'm no saint and you would be hard pressed to get me in church back in "Old Blighty" at this time of year... actually any time of year. However it was important to her and she wanted me there with her.

I can't say it was the most fun filled day of my life, and the thought of a numb bum. dead legs, then hours of chanting is hardly what I would call a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon, actually a rabid class of hyper active 14 years old had some appeal! However I did the honoured thing for about 2 hours before my legs said to me I had to walk before I lost the will to live, so I just spent the following couple of hours walking, watching, laughing to myself then waiting some more. During these hours I mulled the idea of what would I have done at home?

Well... my septic Isle is rather cold, wind swept with a touch of white rain, sorry I mean snow, so I guess I'd have been wrapped up warm in some pigeon box called home looking at more school work, or even getting on with the household chores, we all remember those don't we? watching tv, or as its called today the re-run of x- factor or some other soap...... Then again I could have ventured out and taken lunch at some resturant which has staff from some eastern European nation that has no idea of my culture or what my stomach calls a roast dinner, then if I am luck to have a native speaker, its amazing that they are not surly or can even be bothered to look at me inbetween text messages on their mobile phones.

I know why I am in Thailand and its not for the money. Before anyone gets on their high horse, this place can be a real bind as well, but as a rule while I'm trying to be overcharged, at least its done with a genuine smile, the food is in most cases at least up to the mark, its not cost me the world, its not cold wet or even snowing, I don't have to face the stupidity that comes with driving in the UK and being seen as a cash cow for everyone. Sure I'm looked at as a walking ATM, but this one does not open on Sundays or even most days of the week. I can proudly say I still have moths in my wallet and they are in no chance of being made homeless either. So after the long afternoon. being blasted at 6,000,000 watts, amps or decibels in fact the lack of noise polution control, I really needed some place to give the ears a rest. Hard to find in Bangkok eh?... no not really, even Bangkok has its oasis of peace.

However all in all, we can get stitched up, ripped off, stung, fleeced, taken for a ride anywhere, Thailand is no different you have to be on your guard at all times, but then I travel back to the UK often, more for personal reasons and an 80 year old mother, but I have to say.... we moan here!.... You should see it back there, the place is fast becoming a toilet and not one you can park you butt on without charge. Its a mess and its getting worse, it fills me with sadness at its plight a once great nation on the downward slide. Today even though I've had better days, its been warm, dry and I can still have a beer for £1 in social surroundings.


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