Neil McDonough

Accommodation is always a hot topic among teachers in Thailand for many reasons. Apartment rent often consumes the biggest chunk of a teacher’s monthly salary. So let’s talk living space with Neil McDonough, the Director of EasyHomes.

Marek Lenarcik

How difficult is it these days to get a teaching job in Bangkok for someone who is considered a non-native speaker of English? We've discussed this topic before in the ajarn hot seat. but if memory serves me correctly - never with a European teacher. Marek Lenarcik kindly offers to fill us in.

Marko Cunningham

If you are involved in a serious road accident in Thailand, there is a 95% chance that a rescue organisation called Ruamkatanyu (RKU) will be the guys who come to your aid. This magnificent organisation employs one foreigner, Marko Cunningham. The ajarn hotseat welcomes a part-time teacher and a full-time Thailand superhero.

Jason Alavi

After starting off as a salaried teacher at a private language school, Jason got the idea to supply teachers to Thai schools and became what's effectively known as an 'agent'. Since then he's never looked back and now provides teachers to several schools in the Rangsit area

Jono Blaze

About five years ago - maybe more - we featured a teacher called Jono Blaze in an article on Jono's was the ultimate teacher done good story. He gave up the teaching and opened Momma's, his very own British restaurant in Sukhumwit Soi 23. Then after rave reviews from ex-pats, the restaurant literally disappeared. The question on everyone's lips - whatever happened to Jono? Well, the man's back!

Glenn Van Der Heyden

Some teachers luck out in Thailand and find something that they truly enjoy doing. But you have to admit - few things would beat becoming the coach of Thailand's national ice hockey team!

Mark Reynolds

It's fair to say that Mark's Thailand TEFL career was nothing out of the ordinary, but you might say that he knew just when to quit, and how to plan for the future.

James Parsons

James Parsons has spent much of his teaching career hopping between Korea and Thailand. He's dabbled in Thailand's property market and he's done more visa runs than you've had hot dinners.

Mike Thompson

Mike Thompson is an Asian American from California. He admits that his Asian appearance put many employers off when he started looking for teaching work in Thailand, but slowly he's turned things around. It hasn't been easy though.

Cat and Fernanda

When I first considered teaching English abroad, I bought myself a book called “Teach English Around the World’. It promised experiences beyond my wildest dreams and while the sound of teaching in exotic locations was undoubtedly appealing, Thailand was as far as I got. It’s therefore a great pleasure to talk to not one, but two globetrotters who have literally ‘taught English around the world’. Step forward Catriona and Fernanda - two fine ladies, both working for the British Council in Bangkok. It’s ajarn com’s first ‘double interview’ folks.

Showing 10 Hot Seat interviews out of 159 total

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Featured Jobs

Grade 5 Homeroom Teacher

฿50,000+ / month

Chiang Rai

English, Science and Math Teachers

฿42,300+ / month


Primary ESL Teacher

฿50,000+ / month


Kindergarten Teacher

฿45,000+ / month


Coaching English Teacher

฿48,000+ / month


Part-time NES Teachers

฿38,400+ / month


Featured Teachers

  • Victoria

    American, 54 years old. Currently living in USA

  • Hayley

    British, 39 years old. Currently living in United Kingdom

  • Ramiandrisoa

    Malagasy, 30 years old. Currently living in Thailand

  • Maria

    Trinidadian, 42 years old. Currently living in Trinidad and Tobago

  • Stuart

    British, 39 years old. Currently living in United Kingdom

  • Dineo

    South African, 30 years old. Currently living in South Africa

The Hot Spot

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Teacher mistakes

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Contributions welcome

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It's one of the most common questions we get e-mailed to us. So find out exactly where you stand.

Air your views

Air your views

Got something to say on the topic of teaching, working or living in Thailand? The Ajarn Postbox is the place. Send us your letters!

Need Thailand insurance?

Need Thailand insurance?

Have a question about health or travel insurance in Thailand? Ricky Batten from Pacific Prime is Ajarn's resident expert.

The Region Guides

The Region Guides

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The dreaded demo

The dreaded demo

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