Isaan insights

Some background on this fascinating area of Thailand

Isaan folk are by far the easiest to get along with in Thailand. In four years of living here I have only had two of those encounters where a local that you know, for no apparent reason, suddenly starts ignoring you. And even those exceptions went away quickly.

Bangkok getaways - Petchburi

An historical park on a hill, lots of temples and some monkeys thrown in

I went on this overnight trip to the scenic town of Petburi a few months ago. Tourist maps and road signs often refer to this city as Petchburi or Petchaburi but the believe me, the correct way to pronounce it is definitely Petburi. Unfortunately, transliteration of Thai script into the Roman alphabet is often neither clear-cut nor logical


The eight kinds of Bangkok taxi driver

Get those rosary beads out mind because if there's one big advantage to being picked up by the tear-arse it's that he’ll get you to that meeting on Sathorn Road in lightning quick time. It may involve running a red light or two and knocking over an old man at the Asoke intersection, but you’ll not miss a minute of that meeting. One way systems? Bus lanes? Let other motorists worry about them. I mean, it's not as if the tear-arse's personal details are actually held by anyone.

Bangkok getaways - Lopburi

This month it's Thailand's monkey capital

A town located just a few hours from Bangkok that's worth definitely worth a visit. Lopburi, famous for its ruins and monkeys, lies some 150 kilometres north of the capital and can easily be reached by either bus or train.

Black American teachers in Thailand

Postbox letter from Evan Majors

Throughout my travels I did very much get stared at. Heads often turned as I walked down the street. When I was in Ko Samet I definitely felt the hesitation and/or fear of dealing with me by some of the Thai people, even at restaurants.

Life on the ocean wave

Getting out and about on the mighty Bangkok rivers

As both a non-swimmer and someone who listens to far too many stories of people falling into polluted Bangkok waters, I've made avoiding boat travel one of my missions in life. Perhaps it was time to conquer the fears that had built up inside me for so long.

Bangkok getaways - Kanchanaburi

An idea tourist destination that's not far from the capital

Although I stayed 4 days/3 nights, Kanchanaburi can be visited in just a day or two if time is scarce. It's definitely worth it if you're in dire need of some low-cost rest and relaxation in unspoilt green surroundings.

Goodbye 2007, Welcome 2008

So what happened exactly? And what will happen next?

Many Thais had the impression that, economically, 2007 was a bad year. Although Thailand lagged behind most other ASEAN countries in terms of growth, the country’s economy still grew by about 4 per cent. I suspect the people’s unfavourable impression was especially fuelled by rising oil prices and the realisation that the government wouldn’t keep bailing out its gas-guzzling citizens and industries any longer.

Sightseeing in Bangkok

Ideas on places to go in the capital

I'm going to put my tour guide hat on this month and let you in on some well-known tourist attractions and some that are a little more off the beaten track. There has to also be a mention of the dreaded double-pricing system.

Seen one you've seen them all

Let's hear it for the Thai provincial town

It doesn't matter whether you're in downtown Chonburi or in the centre of Ubon Ratchathani, you can always bank on seeing this list of twenty.

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Need Thailand insurance?

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Will I find work in Thailand?

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