Are you a teacher who once taught in Thailand but decided to seek out pastures new? Has the grass been greener on the other side? Maybe you swapped Thailand for the financial lure of Japan or Korea? Read about those who have left Thailand, and their reasons for moving...

Submit your own Great Escape


Q1. Where did you move to and when?

I moved back home to Northern Ireland in 2017.

Q2. How long did you work in Thailand?

I worked there for seven years as a teacher, starting in 2010.

Q3. What was your main reason for moving?

I got married in 2013 and then had a child the following year. Pretty much from the moment my son was born, I started plotting my exit. I didn't make enough money to send my child to an international school and I really didn't want him entering the Thai education system, which I felt was very backward. Secondly, I didn't want to teach anymore. I had never intended to be a teacher for more than a few years and outside of teaching, I really didn't see a lot of opportunities in Thailand and I was keen to start a different career. As odd as it sounds, I actually quite fancied the idea of a nice, secure 9-5 office job!

Q4. What are the advantages of working where you are now compared to Thailand?

Firstly, the opportunities. I'm not going to lie and say it was all rosy from the beginning when I first got back. I had to come here alone at first, without my wife and son. Also, while it was initially very exciting to be able to apply for any job I wanted, I literally had to start from scratch. The first job I took was a minimum wage role in an absolute hellhole of a call centre, full of coked-up young people. I hated it and missed my little boy but I never for a moment thought I'd made the wrong decision.

After a spell at a much nicer call centre, I found work as a technical writer which has been my career for more than 5 years now. I love the job and I earn a good salary in a part of the UK with a lower than average cost of living. And it's not just me who has benefitted - my wife, who graduated in social work in Thailand was able to get her qualifications recognised in this country and now works as a social worker.

In addition, pension scheme, better salaries, more job security, better craic. At my last school, I was the only farang teacher, the rest were Thai and Filipino. They were all lovely but it was quite lonely. The workplace banter is better here.

Q5. What do you miss about life in Thailand?

The people.
Getting to speak the language every day - I wasn't fluent but I got such a thrill from talking to people and actually being understood.
The pace of life.
Cheap massages.
Cheap food - I hate eating out here, it's so expensive. I miss the markets and the little restaurants.
All the weird adventures and quirky things that happen every day.

Q6. Would you advise a new teacher to seek work in Thailand or where you are now?

100% recommend teaching in Thailand. It was the greatest experience of my life.

Q7. Any plans to return to Thailand one day?

Probably when me and my wife retire, which is a long way off.

Q8. Anything else you'd like to add?

I actually wrote a blog for ajarn way back in 2017 about how I planned to move back home. The comments were great - half of the people wished me good luck and the other half said I was an idiot for going back, 'you'll end up stacking shelves in Tescos' ,'the UK has gone to the dogs!' etc. All well-meaning advice of course. However I'm very happy with how my great escape turned out and I hope anyone who is currently in a similar situation to me back then will take some hope from my experience.


Q1. Where did you move to and when?

Just moved back to Blighty.

Q2. How long did you work in Thailand?

I was in the Land of Smiles for over 16 years, teaching in various language schools, private schools and kindergartens all over the country.

Q3. What was your main reason for moving?

Krusapaha. Finally waivered out despite having a postgraduate diploma in education. I was stuck at the whim of language schools that certainly are not the best employers in the land.

Q4. What are the advantages of working where you are now compared to Thailand?

Not sure. I've just arrived.

Q5. What do you miss about life in Thailand?

Already missing my girlfriend like crazy.

Q6. Would you advise a new teacher to seek work in Thailand or where you are now?

Sure. Do it while your young. It's an amazing country to live in.

Q7. Any plans to return to Thailand one day?

Of course. Just going home for a while to figure out my next move.

Q8. Anything else you'd like to add?

Enjoy Thailand, but keep an eye on the future.


Q1. Where did you move to and when?

(Presumably Rob moved to Jakarta, Indonesia fairly recently - Ajarn)

I moved to Bangkok in 2021 during the pandemic. My first location was in the Bang Kapi/Minburi area. After that, I worked in Sathorn. To be honest, I thoroughly enjoyed living in both areas. Each had their own merits and qualities. In Asok/Sathorn, it was much easier to go out to bars, watch football matches and meet up with friends after work. However, I much preferred living on the outskirts, as there was a greater sense of community, friendliness, stress-free public transport and some world class parks to enjoy, without all the craziness and hassle you get living in the centre of Bangkok (although, I know some people prefer that).

Q2. How long did you work in Thailand?

I had previously done a stint as a TEFL teacher back in 2014 for a couple of years, but this was my first time working in Thailand with QTS at an international school. So I guess with both stints, that would take my time working in Thailand to around 5-6 years.

Q3. What was your main reason for moving?

Many international schools are gradually moving over to become IB schools, which is arguably where the future lies in post 16 education outside of the UK (where I come from). Gaining experience teaching IB and a nice bump in my take home pay each month was the main motivation for leaving. Unfortunately, international schools in Bangkok are now starting to communicate with each other to drive down salaries, benefits, insurance and flights home etc, with 90% of schools being highly profit driven business models. Don't get me wrong, teachers are paid handsomely and can live fantastic lifestyles in Bangkok and Thailand, but I feel this is probably best taken advantage of when you have some significant savings behind you and a nice investment portfolio ticking away in the background.

Q4. What are the advantages of working where you are now compared to Thailand?

To be honest, there isn't too much to do in Jakarta, but the Islands surrounding Indonesia are world class and match up with some of the best beaches in Thailand. As previously mentioned, it's also been useful to gain some experience at a non British A-level school, which has an incredibly generous, tax-free package. This is knocking years off my financial independence age. Apartments are also much cheaper, so it's nice not having to pay through the nose for a shoebox in central Bangkok.

Q5. What do you miss about life in Thailand?

Great public transport, exploring cool little districts, walking around finding new restaurants and coffee shops, live football, cheap beer, the music scene, the amazing parks, being able to travel each weekend to the beach should you wish many things. Thailand is a really cool place to live in and I'll definitely be back at some point.

Q6. Would you advise a new teacher to seek work in Thailand or where you are now?

Get qualified. Doing a stint as a TEFL teacher is great - you develop so many amazing skills e.g public speaking, organisation, confidence in the classroom etc. But to make sure you can live internationally, over the long term, look into getting your QTS. There are so many alternative routes. You can't put a price on security and your health, but getting into these international schools will cover your back in terms of being able to tuck away some coin, medical insurance, flights home to see relatives. Don't be the person that lives pay check to pay check. Loyalty means very little to Thai employers, who out of the blue will cast you aside for a fresher face when you least expect it. Luckily, this has never happened to me, but I've heard stories.

Q7. Any plans to return to Thailand one day?

Yep, absolutely. Some incredible schools in Thailand. I intend to return when the time is right, but that won't be for a few years yet.

Q8. Anything else you'd like to add?



Q1. Where did you move to and when?

I left Thailand two and a half years ago and moved back to where I grew up in rural East Anglia, England.

Q2. How long did you work in Thailand?

I was in Thailand for 13 years. Six years in Bangkok and seven years in Kanchanburi with my wife and two kids. I taught in a college in Bangkok, a Christian school in Kan, and finally an alternative school for four years in Nakhon Pathom.

Q3. What was your main reason for moving?

High Schools. I was happy with the primary I worked in for my kids to attend but we were limited in our options for high schools. We did not earn enough to pay international school fees, and we didn't really want to move back to Bangkok for a greater choice of schools but having to live in a city.

So we decided that England would provide my daughters with a better education. While the system here is pretty broken, it's turned out to be a great decision as both girls have thrived. They love it here! My oldest has just started high school and is really achieving so much in such a short period of time.

Q4. What are the advantages of working where you are now compared to Thailand?

When I came back I didn't really know what to do. There are a couple of large employers near my village but I really wanted to continue teaching. So I set up as a sole trader and I am teaching Thai kids online. I still had a few students left from the Covid days so got right into it. Mostly though word of mouth, I was able to build up. I currently have 48 students who learn in small groups and I teach four hours a day Monday - Friday, which gives me plenty of time to take my daughters to school. I also do four evenings at Tesco stacking shelves which I love. It keeps me busy and I have made some good friends doing it. I think working for myself has been brilliant. I always loved teaching but had become bored of working in schools with all the Thai bureaucracy. This has been a great way to stay in touch with my students and I guess it's my career, having done it for 13 years now!

Q5. What do you miss about life in Thailand?

I miss a lot. If it was just myself and my wife, we would still be there. We miss the beaches, the mountains, eating out. Life in the UK is stressful. There's so much to remember to do and to pay for. Thailand was very chilled out. However, I do not miss the schools. I see my students struggling with high school and I am so glad my girls don't have to go through it.

Q6. Would you advise a new teacher to seek work in Thailand or where you are now?

If anyone tells you that you can't make money in Thailand, ignore them! There's so much money to be made in English teaching in Thailand. You just have to be a good teacher. Learn a bit of Thai, talk to parents, there are so many opportunities. I live in England on a Thai wage plus stacking shelves at Tesco to top up (my wife is a cleaner on minimum wage) and we can afford to live here. We are not rich but we have a pretty good life here and are able to save. If we were still in Thailand we would be very, very comfortable.

Q7. Any plans to return to Thailand one day?

Absolutely. We are helping my parents-in-law with their retirement house in the north and we plan to return there and retire when I am 57. My Tesco work is also being used to start a private pension which I can get at 57. It won't pay a lot but it will be enough for a simple life in rural Thailand. Obviously plans may change but we really want to settle in Thailand once my daughters finish university or get a job.

Q8. Anything else you'd like to add?

Can't wait to get back to Thailand next Songkran for a 3-week holiday!


Q1. Where did you move to and when?

Back home in 2020 (during COVID) and then to Cambodia in 2023.

Q2. How long did you work in Thailand?

I was in Thailand from 2015 - 2020 (a total of 5 years).

Q3. What was your main reason for moving?

I started a family. Working in the government schools and earning 32-38K a month wasn't something I remained comfortable with as I started thinking about the future. I also didn't have a degree in education, therefore the higher tier schools were out of reach.

Q4. What are the advantages of working where you are now compared to Thailand?

There is much easier access to international schools, which is honestly great as you can grow your career in an international school environment while you further your studies in education. However, I will say that job availability is a lot less compared to Thailand. In Thailand you can work at any government school and get a job quite easily. Here however, it is only the private schools and international schools that hire foreigners and most of the private schools are fake schools that only care about making a profit and they're not great to work at.
The local staff at the schools are a lot friendlier towards their foreign colleagues. I remember how hostile the Thai staff at the schools would be towards the foreign teachers without any cause.

I would also like to add that my child is able to attend the international school I work at. If I was still in Thailand, I would not be working at an international school nor would I be able to afford the tuition fees.

Q5. What do you miss about life in Thailand?

Everything. Literally everything. The people, the atmosphere, the food. Thailand just has that thing that I can't explain. I love Thailand and its people.

Q6. Would you advise a new teacher to seek work in Thailand or where you are now?

If you have a degree and you have no one to financially support then Thailand for sure. Cambodia is okay as well but I feel that job availability here is a lot more difficult and I see people being sold on promises of how easy it is to get jobs but end up searching for two months after they arrive, with no success.

Q7. Any plans to return to Thailand one day?

Definitely! Once I have completed my degree I will be returning to Thailand.

Q8. Anything else you'd like to add?

If you plan on going to Thailand to teach, then have an end game plan or an exit plan. What I mean by this is that you don't want to end up getting stuck at a 30K baht paying job year after year and you've ended up wasting so much time that making any positive changes in your career in Thailand or back home will be difficult. Either come for a short stint (a year or two) or further your studies so you can get the better paying jobs. What made me leave Thailand was really the fact that I had older colleagues with Thai families that were still working in government schools and basically scraping by. I didn't want to end up the same way. So have a plan on how long you will be in Thailand for and what your next move is. For the youngsters, make sure you always have enough money for a return flight home.

Showing 5 Great Escapes out of 339 total

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