The ajarn.com guide to renting an apartment
How to find a place you can call home
One of the most valuable pieces of advice I could give to a new teacher in Thailand is always find a job before you look for an apartment. The last thing you want is to get settled into new digs and then find your dream job leaves you with a two-hour daily commute through some of the heaviest traffic known to man. I'll cover this point and many others in the following guide.
1) What are you looking for in an apartment?
Obviously your choice of apartment will depend on the amount of money you have at your disposal, but in the long run, it pays to spend as much as you can afford on accommodation - especially in Bangkok. Not only will you get something better, but you're far less likely to wander the streets in search of entertainment if you have your own apartment where you can relax and enjoy a few creature comforts.
For me, an apartment was my little haven - a place where I could be surrounded by books and music, perhaps watch a little TV, or maybe spend time at the computer.
An apartment should have a sizeable balcony where I can sit out and hopefully enjoy some kind of a view or rustle up bacon and eggs on Sunday mornings. Most importantly, I want to know that when I close that apartment door I have total privacy - away from the crowds and the noise and the hustle and bustle of Bangkok life.
I've known many teachers who view an apartment as purely a crash-pad - a place to sleep, shower and get changed. Everyone has their own opinion of what a 'perfect' apartment is.
2) Location, location and location
One of my good friends has a saying - "anything over an hour spent traveling to and from work is unacceptable". While cutting travel-time from home to work to less than an hour is not always possible, your life will be infinitely more pleasurable the less time you spend hanging from the sides of buses or trying to flag down taxis during the monsoon season.
It makes great sense to find employment first and THEN find somewhere to live. Being close to either the skytrain or underground network can make the commute to work a lot easier, but as you would expect, rents are generally higher.
Many teachers have moved into the Bangkok surburbs to places such as Rangsit and Samut Prakarn. The downside is that you could be a fair way from the bright lights and the entertainment hot spots - but on the plus side, there can be a stack of work in the suburbs for any teacher with an ounce of business acumen. Think of all those private students you could be teaching in your free time. And apartment-wise you get far more for your money. I know several teachers who ply their trade in the Rangsit area of Bangkok (about 20 kms from downtown) and they all earn decent coin from their freelance teaching.
3) What are the price ranges?
You can get apartments in Bangkok for as low as 3,000 baht a month. I certainly don't recommend you live in such a place but it's possible. Like everything else in life you get what you pay for. Cheap apartments (and by 'cheap' I mean less than 6,000 baht) are mostly in poorly constructed buildings complete with substandard plumbing and lights that go out every time there's the threat of a storm.
Because apartments in this low-end category tend to attract working-class Thais - sometimes sharing three or four to a room - you can have all sorts of problems with noise. Take it from me - when you have a room full of rowdy Thais living next door to you, your problems are going to be never-ending.
Many apartments fall into the 5,000 baht to 8,000 baht price range - some are surprisingly good; others can be very poor value for money. Alas, for a teacher earning let's say 30,000 baht a month (and plenty still do) this is really all they can afford. If you're going to end up in an apartment in this price range, you'll need to do some serious shopping around. The quality varies enormously. Some will have swimming pools, rooftop gardens, good security, elevators, mini-marts while others will have few of those amenities.
If you can afford to move into the 10,000 -20,000 baht bracket, you'll be amazed at the difference. You might be lucky enough to find a place that has a living room area with a separate bedroom. All of the aforementioned apartments (those at 8,000 and below) are what real estate agents class as 'studio apartments' and what I call 'bedsits' - you sleep in your bed, you sit on your bed to watch TV, you even eat meals on your bed. That's really no way to live. Imagine the joy, the sheer pleasure, of saying to a guest, "why don't you flick through the TV channels while I go and get changed in the bedroom?" Now that's living!
4) Can I use the services of a real estate agent?
I never used a real estate agent personally and I don't know many teachers that do. Generally speaking, the majority of estate agents are only interested in ex-pats on fat relocation salaries. They aren't so interested in teachers looking for the world for less than 10,000 baht.
There are one or two realtors who'll show sympathy towards a teacher in need of a roof over their head, but don't expect them to put too much effort into finding you a place. They might dutifully show you a couple of apartments, but as soon as they realize you fall into the category of 'cheap but demanding' they'll be off faster than a ferret on a firework.
If you're looking for an apartment then a good source is your fellow teachers and colleagues. These guys will have already lived in good and bad apartments and will be in a good position to make recommendations. I might take a bit of flak for this but I never trust Thais who want to show me 'great apartments'. I've found from painful experience that their definition of 'nice' and my definition of 'nice' are not always the same. They mean well but Thais (generally) don't attach as much importance to their home environment as a foreigner does.
Still one of the best methods however to finding an apartment is simply decide on the area you want to live in, strap on your sports shoes, and hot-foot it down all those little sois and sub-sois. It's amazing what you can unearth. You might want to take a Thai friend with you (if you haven't got one then hire one) to ask the numerous questions you'll need to ask (coming up later in this ajarn guide)
5) Utility bills
Unfortunately there's no way to avoid paying the dreaded electricity, water and telephone bills. If there's any bill that's going to get 'padded', or any way that you're going to get 'cheated' (apart from deposit money) then it's with the utility bill.
A friend of mine lucked out and got an excellent job that came with a 60,000 baht luxury apartment. The company would pay the rent on the understanding that he was responsible for just the utility bills. After his first month's tenure, he presented himself at the office to settle up the utility account. The office staff asked him for 1000 baht to cover the water bill alone - a 'standing charge' they told him. Being something of an old Bangkok hand - he'd already lived in four different apartments and never paid more than 150 baht for water - so he refused to pay it.
He also told them that he was checking out immediately. Thankfully the apartment owner relented and from then on he got his water for free. I'm not promising that things will always end that favorably but stand your ground when it comes to utility bills. Make sure that you have access to the respective water and electricity meters and make a note of the totals each month. That's not being miserly; it's called being careful.
Water and electricity are charged by the unit (the number of units used and the price per unit should be clearly displayed on your apartment bill) and phone calls are charged per call. I'm a little out of touch with current prices, but I'm making a guess that water is around 15 baht per unit. The average person (two showers a day and some washing of clothes) would use about 7-10 units per month.
Electricity is much more of a grey area. If you blast out air-conditioning all day long, you could be facing a bill of about 3-4,000 baht at the end of the month. Apart from the air-con, very little else uses much in the way of juice. If you have the air-con unit on for about 4 hours a day, you can expect a bill somewhere in the region of 1,000 to 1,500 baht a month. There's no avoiding the fact though; utility services are huge money-makers for apartment owners.
6) Facilities
The availability of swimming pools, gyms and saunas never really bothers me (they're often neglected anyway) but I do like to have an accessible mini-mart (that's open when I need it), a laundry shop (that doesn't take forever to iron two shirts and a pair of pants) and some kind of a restaurant/cafe area.
Some apartments provide a small restaurant service for residents and non-residents alike but I've noticed over the years that only foreigners tend to sit down and eat in such places (possibly to escape the confines of the bed-sit) whereas Thais prefer to have food delivered to their rooms. I'm yet to see anyone make a real success of running an apartment-building restaurant and many close down after a year or two.
Apartment laundries are a law unto themselves. Anyone who's lived in a Thailand apartment building has their own laundry horror story, whether it's a white shirt that suddenly became pink or a pair of shorts that were handed in and never seen again.
Apartment laundries have a captive market and don't they know it. They know you're hardly going to walk to some laundry in the next street and carry back ten shirts on ten coat-hangers. So they can take as much time as they want washing your clothes and hell, who's bothered if they lose an item or two along the way. I don't want to give the impression that all apartment laundries are crap but I've heard plenty of horror stories.
Security / Security Guards
Security is obviously a major concern for anyone living in an apartment building. Thailand is one of the safest countries to live in I'm sure - but petty theft has always been a problem.
I had someone come in to my apartment at three in the morning - while I was asleep! - and steal my wallet from the dressing table. Totally my fault for leaving the door unlocked but it's not what you expect - someone lifting your valuables while you're snoozing literally six feet away.
What about the different security methods? A system deployed in many apartment buildings is the automatic keycard 'swiping' system. Every bona fide resident has a plastic entry card that they swipe through a card-reader every time they want access. I have my reservations about the keycard system. It works in establishments where you don't have too much foot traffic going in and out and there are security staff to keep a vigilant eye on things.
But at busy apartment buildings, where there is no security guard, a non-resident can easily 'slip in' behind a legitimate resident. How many residents would stop and question you? Hell, I've slipped into apartment buildings many times without a keycard - and in some cases, I've even had the resident hold the door for me.
The traditional method of employing a full-time security guard/guards is also still quite common. I've heard several horrific stories of teachers having things stolen from their apartment and the security guard being the actual perpetrator. Who is in a better position to know about the times you keep?
Don't be scared off though. For the most part, security guards do their job reasonably well. That said. here's a little tip for you - get the security guard on your side. Make friends with him. Share a joke and a smile. Engage in small-talk about football. Perhaps even slip him twenty cigarettes now and again. It'll make all the difference.
7) Deposits
I've checked out of four different apartments in Bangkok and had a problem with getting back the deposit money every single time. I'm certainly not the only one, because I've overheard many foreigners complaining about the same. I'll put two instances down to simple misunderstandings, but on two occasions the apartment owner was clearly trying to cheat me.
In none of these places was I ever a problem tenant. I paid my bills on time, rarely/never complained unless I had to, and came and went with a minimum of fuss (I tend not to mix with fellow residents). With deposits usually being two, or sometimes three months rent in advance, you're looking at a substantial amount of money. There's no way I would give up 30-40,000 baht without a fight, but clearly some residents do.
One apartment owner refused to return my key money because I'd lost the tenant's agreement. I was left with no option but to go to the police. The police, it must be said, were helpful to the extreme. They wrote out a piece of paper (heaven knows what it said) and told me to present it to the apartment owner. The key money was given back to me right away.
Checking out of another apartment, the owner claimed (and this is a little embarrassing) that I'd stained the bed-sheets that were provided by the apartment. The stains were just general everyday 'grubbiness' - nothing else, but she deducted a thousand baht for a sheet I could have picked up in a local market for a fraction of that. Quite a slanging match developed in the reception area, and I'm not proud to say that I can shout louder than most.
Fortunately, with crowds gathering to witness the brouhaha, it all became too much for the apartment owner and she gave me the one thousand baht (actually she threw it at me, but you get the gist)
The saddest part was that I'd always enjoyed an excellent relationship with this particular apartment owner, and it all got soured for a thousand measly baht. Here's some more advice - let the reception staff know well in advance that you are checking out. Don't leave it to the final day and run the risk of last-minute misunderstandings.
8) The initial inspection and what to look for
Khoo duu hong noy khrap? (May I see a room?)
When you present yourself in the reception as a potential tenant, what typically happens is that a bored-looking member of staff appears jangling an obscenely large bunch of keys. Yes, it's room inspection time.
Ask to see several rooms on different floors - not just one. Ask if there are any corner rooms (they are often larger for the same price).
From that moment in reception, when the girl with the keys appears, my antennae are twitching. I'm taking everything in and missing nothing.
Even the elevator itself can tell you a lot about the building and the management. Is it looked after and kept clean? Or are there buttons missing from the control panel and graffiti on the walls? If they can't be bothered to take care of the elevator, what hope is there for the rest of the building?
As you walk down the corridor, take it all in. Look in any open doors and get a feel for the kind of residents that live there. If I see a bunch of Thais all asleep on a bed or piles of shoes and cooking utensils outside a door, then it's thanks but no thanks.
Is anyone playing the radio loudly? Can I hear screaming children? What are the corridors themselves like? Do they look clean? Is there the unmistakable whiff of disinfectant? Is there any sign of a garbage chute or do residents just put a black garbage bag outside the door and hope for the best?
Even before you have inspected the vacant room, you should have formed an opinion on the quality of the building.
First impressions are everything. When the door to the apartment swings open, if your first reaction is anything less than "Wow! I can see myself living here" - walk out there and then. Step out onto the balcony. Are you going to enjoy sitting out there? (presuming you want to) Turn on the water in the shower - how's the water pressure? Do the lights work?
One of the first things I do is check for electrical sockets. How many are there? If I've got a computer, a fan, a fridge, a Hi-fi and other electrical oddments, I need a few sockets around the place.
If you're going to inspect a room, be a fusspot and do the job properly!
9) Go there twice!
You've been to look at the apartment in daylight - now go back again at night. Neighborhoods have a habit of undergoing major change after darkness falls.
Perhaps that group of friendly-looking residents, who were snoozing and playing checkers in front of the apartment when you first came in the middle of a hot afternoon have now turned into the town drunks? And funny how you didn't notice the snooker hall/karoake lounge/hostess joint next door when its neon facade was unlit.
Try to catch one or two of the foreign residents as they leave and enter the building - farangs love to talk and share information. "I'm thinking of moving in. How do you enjoy living here?"
10) If you're a 'long-termer' - accumulate!
If you're thinking of staying in Thailand for longer than a couple of years, start investing in things like fridges, TVs and nice basic furniture. You can always take it with you when you move.
Apartments will usually rent you fridges and TVs, etc but you don't have to be a genius to work out that it's a completely false economy. Stuff like TVs and fridges are not that expensive in Thailand.
11) Stand your ground - get mad. Or maddish.
Numerous annoying little things can go wrong when living in an apartment, from the neighbor who constantly plays loud music at two in the morning to the kids who use the corridor as a playground and the weak water pressure that you reported to the management six days ago but still comes out the shower as a dribble.
I refer to them as 'little things' but they can definitely get you down depending on your level of tolerance. However, I think it's essential that you stay on good terms with the Thai apartment staff even if sometimes you want to boil them alive.
Address the staff by name and take the time to treat them as people. Earning a reputation as a 'nice tenant' will go a long way. When a lightbulb goes out - as they often do - a nice tenant usually gets the bulb changed faster than a tenant who specializes in rubbing staff up the wrong way at every opportunity.
12) The Neighborhood
Living in various Bangkok apartments really brought home to me the importance of neighborhood. Although most apartments I have lived in have been OK, the surrounding environment hasn't always been great.
It's nice to have that peace and quiet in your apartment but sometimes you do get the urge to go out and connect with other people and do something other than vegetate in your digs. Weigh up what the neighborhood has to offer and more importantly, what it lacks.
Happy apartment hunting!
This picture above is typical of an apartment you'd find in the 5-8,000 baht a month region (although don't expect it to come with a TV and fridge) You can see the cheap, poor-quality wardrobe and dressing table and also the large queen-sized bed. However, there's enough room to walk around and the apartment lets plenty of light in.
A lot of teachers live in these kind of digs and are very happy. If you've got imagination and a bit of money to spend, it's amazing what a few pictures and nic-nacs can do to brighten up a place. The lime-green curtain would certainly have to go though and uuuuurgh - don't talk to me about that awful vase of plastic flowers on top of the fridge.
We can't see the bathroom in this picture but I'm betting it's something clean and modern albeit a tad small.
This picture above is your typical apartment building corridor (in the 5,000-8,000 baht a month range). Although I quite like the unusual touch of adding the wall-plaques to show the room numbers, the corridor has that cold, characterless, almost 'borstal school' feel to it. It's a bit like I'd imagine an inner city hostel for battered wives to look like.
And of course this photo has been taken when the corridor is mercifully free of accumulated shoes, dirty plates, garbage bags and general detritus. You'll only find apartment building corridors in this condition if the cleaning staff are truly on top of their game.
This is what 12,000 - 15,000 baht a month might get you. Although there's still the same crappy chipboard furniture, you've got the feeling of space. It feels more like a home. There's a nice well-polished parquet floor going on, a tasteful roller blind, and the furnishings are generally of a much higher standard.
The receptionists will be more professional, the security guards will be awake more often than they're asleep, the cleaning staff will wear uniforms, and the restaurant on the ground floor will look like a restaurant and serve food that's almost edible. It will simply be a nicer place to call home.
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So for Bangkok I was wondering if it was possible to rent an apartment in the 8000-12000 baht range on a month to month basis?
Somewhere around BTS Onnut station?
What would you guys recommend, just walking in to one of those condo blocks with a sign outside that says "for rent" or how would one go about this way?
By Matija, Almost Thailand (14th April 2016)
I lived in Tak for a little under two years , in a place that was nearly a full size house, for around 5000 baht / month . But then, the place needed work and I dont think the avg foreigner would have liked 'roughing it' the way we had to (initially two of us, then three, all friends).
Taking a shower outdoors, w/ ambient - temp water......all cooking done outside, w/ the mosquitos etc .....one working bathroom, w/ quirks of its own regarding the plumbing......2-meter snakes roaming the yard in broad daylight.
On the other hand, a wonderful yard, a full car-park area and more storage room off of that, for motorbikes, etc..... 4 spacious bedrooms, a massive living room/kitchen, fruit trees teeming w/ birds.......
If you are willing to share w/ 1 or 2 other people, you can get something that might just be FAR nicer than what you ever would in a 1-person flat.
Sharing is not for everyone, I know----I even had doubts myself sometimes----but if you can hack it, the benefits [can] outweigh the downside.
By royal, near Hat Yai (31st October 2015)
Thammasat University area, how much should I be paying?
By angsta, (2nd May 2013)
I would suggest that one be prepared to spend no more than 25% on one's salary on rent. I'm now looking for a decent 2 bedroom place within reasonable commuting distance of Central World @ 8,000 - 12,000 p/m. Am I expecting too much?
By James, Bangkok, Thailand. (25th June 2012)
I'm more than slightly concerned with the number of teachers perfectly willing to eke out an existence in these 'bed sits'. Surely this is no way to live? Yes, Thailand doesn't pay that well, but things are still cheap in Bangkok compared to other big cities in the world.
Sure, it's a matter of opinion and lifestyle choices, but I can't imagine it's a good life sweating it out in your little room for the sake of saving 5000 B (£100) a month! I can understand if you really can't afford anything more obviously, but if you can, and you're just tight- good luck to you, but I'd go insane.
I'm due to leave for Thailand in the next few months (I've been before, but no longer than two months) and won't be looking at places under 10,000 B, as I plan to live a comfortable existence! (or at least attempt it with all my might!) Looking on the internet, there are countless beautiful apartments in central BKK for the price of my crappy one room at university here in England. That's 20,000 B/ month (+/- student crap heap here) and you can get places up to 80 + m2, one or two separate bedrooms, with separate kitchen/laundry room, modern comfortable and stylish furniture.
So if I was to do some extra freelance, I'll have a comfortable, spacious and cool environment to teach and welcome people into a HOME. It will also be close to BTS/MRT and will be in a nice surrounding area. Surely thats more attractive, not only as a business source, but obviously as a lifestyle! From speaking to others, I could almost get the 20 k for rent just from the freelancing each month, and have my main salary for the rest (although that is bound to fluctuate- but I have links at two universities) Of course, famous last words....but my two cents worth anyways... shoot me down if you must/ give constructive criticism/ advice!
By Josh, England (16th February 2012)
I say , 10-15% of your salary is what you should be spending for rent. If you’re doing over 20% I’d suggest taking a long hard look at what you’re getting. As a faring in Thailand, there will always be those unexpected expenses coming up to bite you where it hurts. If you’re earning 90k a month, by all means go for 10-15k range of apartments.
By thiruppathy, Chennai (23rd November 2011)
Man, I would love to be able to spend more time Thailand, I'd rent an apartment there in an instance. Spent some time in Bangkok and surrounding area a couple years ago, loved it. Beautiful country!
By Janice, (25th August 2011)
Alan, 10-15% of your salary on rent? You're kidding right? So for those teachers who are earning 35,000 baht a month (and there are plenty of them) they should be living in places that cost 3,500-4,500 baht a month. Have you seen what you get for that kind of money? If you're happy living in that kind of place Alan then good luck to you. You must really long for those holidays to come around.
By philip, (26th June 2011)
The author of this article suggests spending as much as possible on creature comforts. Which is what some of my friends do, including one who is earning about 35k and spending 14k a month on rent alone, not including utilities! Sure he has a nice place, but when you're spending that much there is no room for error in your budgeting. More to the point, what happens when your visa expires and you have to make a border run, and you get to the month of October when you most likely won't be paid! Just to sweeten his deal, he had to sign a 1 year lease (so he's stuck, he can't move anywhere else) and I would imagine that he had to pay 3 months rent as a deposit, this is standard in most places. 3 x 14k = 42k, more than he earns in a month.
My point is, moderation. 10-15% of your salary is what you should be spending for rent. If you're doing over 20% I'd suggest taking a long hard look at what you're getting. As a farang in Thailand, there will always be those unexpected expenses coming up to bite you where it hurts. If you're earning 90k a month, by all means go for 10-15k range of apartments. But if, like me, you're on a fairly standard salary, stick to the 5k or less.
Better to be comfortable, and financially safe, then in luxury and all but broke. And remember, we're in Thailand guys and girls. If you're spending all your hard-earned cash on your room, how are you going to have fun when the holidays come round?
By Alan, Bangkok (26th June 2011)
There should be a point 6.a) about apartment building staff (esp. counter staff and management staff). The hotel/apartment building where I've lived for the past 18 months has seen counter staff coming and going. The only counter employee who has been there for a longer time is a gossipy middle-aged woman who likes to insult tenants and spread lies about them. (And those lies and rumours are very serious!) Complaints towards the management didn't lead to anything, as they need this nasty woman as the only one who speaks English. Other complaints about termites and ants were simply ignored by the management/owners, who are seldom at the building at all. Warning - don't ever stay at that crappy hotel/apartment building with a two-letter name + 'Tower' in the Onnut area.
By Tom, Bangkok (27th March 2011)
Thanks for all the very useful information. For the first time I have some understanding of how utilities are figured Only one negative comment: Why on earth is the writer living in Thailand since he apparently has such a low opinion of the Thai people? One can criticize physical surroundings and services without making them personal. My guess is that his home country is not perfect. I have lived in countries other than my own and have always found the saying "When in Rome do as the Romans do" a good guide.
By George Ross, Boston, U.S.A. (30th September 2010)
This article is very informative, and it was a pleasure to read. Human interest, for sure!
Regards, Marco.
By Marco Stockmann, Netherlands (19th March 2010)
Hi , I am so glad i read this article , I have been to Thailand twice before but only for a short period of time , now i decided i would like to stay longer and have been doing the whole internet thing , looking for a teaching post . I have had a revelation with this article and i will most certainly be taking your advice and i also now am more sceptical or rather more wary . Thanks for a very informative and enlightning article , will send you more news and keep you posted on my experiences when I get to Thailand.
By Nathan Neumann, South Africa going to Thailand (25th February 2010)
Hi everyone..
My husband and I an our 3 year old are planning to move to Thailand to work as teachers..if we happen to get work in bangkok..where would you advice us to live..I know Bangkok as I have lived there before and loved it...this time round its different as we have a kid so ideally would like to stay central in either an apt or house...for 25-30,000 bt...please let me know what any of you think..Thanks mates!
By maura, Panama city (12th February 2010)