peeling back the layers

Things are not always as they seem

No, my friends, there is much about this country that is not obvious to the mere casual observer. It takes time for the many layers of the glorious lotus to fold back to reveal the secrets held so darkly within.

The isaan spirit

Isaan images

And what about the Isaan people themselves? When was the last time you went out in a western economy, err sorry, country, and had a table of strangers ‘cheers’ you, and ask your name?

The pee, the nong and the wai

Aspects of Thai culture

Although has never shirked from handing out some just criticism on Thai education and culture I felt it was only fair to balance worthy criticism with worthy praise.

A bit of culture part two

The concept of face and other things

If a waiter in a restaurant screws up your order and brings you fishballs instead of the fried pork-skin on rice you ordered, most people won’t send it back or make a fuss about it. The waiter might lose face. So what? Well, by embarrassing him this way, you too will be considered as having lost face. It’s really a lose-lose situation. You can either eat your smelly fishballs or lose face.

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  • Adriel

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  • Jhym

    Filipino, 24 years old. Currently living in Thailand

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