Impressive school, impressive owner

A place where educating youngsters really does matter

For this month's blog I would like to take an in-depth look at one of the most impressive schools in Thailand: Varee Chiang Mai School

What damage exactly?

Postbox letter from Peelie

The damage that unqualified foreign teachers do to the Thai system is minimal. All the damage is done by the Thais themselves.

Is it the teachers fault?

Postbox letter from James

We face an impossible task. You can’t force someone to learn and I flatly refuse to accept that it is all the teacher’s fault. The schools and managers would certainly have you believe that and it is in their own interests to do so.

The teacher's diary revisited

One teacher's descent into madness. Now updated for 2011

The diary is the heartbreaking four-week journal of Mr Jim Elmdon - a teacher who came to Thailand and failed miserably. Keep a box of tissues handy.

A change ain't gonna come

Postbox letter from Paul

The Government is pouring bhat after bhat into improving the Thais ability to speak English, but it is not happening much because Thais are resistant to change

Three basic techniques in whole brain teaching

The class yes, the teach OK and the scoreboard

It is important to note that of course when introducing a new technique to class that they understand what is expected of them. In addition you have to practice the procedures with them and get them to the point where they can do what you tell them on command.

The enemy within

The evil side of the TEFL industry

It is a complicity of silence that sees many foreign teachers working hand-in-glove with a Thai administration that cares only about money and maintaining an educational system mired in cultural backwardness and social repression.

English for integrated studies

Its implications for Thailand’s foreign teaching industry

In 2009, the Ministry of Education promoted the so-called "World-Class Standard Schools" to 500 pilot schools in Thailand. It aims to encourage schools in promoting critical thinking, creativity and global-mindedness among the students by adding four co-curricular subjects

No student fails

Postbox letter from Ralph

A friend called me yesterday and told me he was being held accountable because his students had poor grades. He hasn't seen his students in 3 weeks.

The good, bad and the ugly

Postbox letter from Ian

I am lucky enough to be teaching some students that are, not only bright, but show signs of free thinking and a desire to expand their boundaries. I don't and will not pass every student, and if it costs me my job, who cares?

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Featured Jobs

Secondary Science Teacher (AP)

฿80,000+ / month


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฿47,000+ / month


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NES Teachers

฿40,000+ / month


Corporate Teacher

฿47,000+ / month


Featured Teachers

  • Lambjulius

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  • Ananya

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  • Hayley

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  • Audu

    Nigerian, 34 years old. Currently living in Nigeria

  • Emerose

    Filipino, 25 years old. Currently living in Philippines

  • Amelia

    Filipino, 25 years old. Currently living in Philippines

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