What about high blood pressure?

Always be 'up front' with your health insurer about high blood pressure

Last year we had a couple of fairly recent applicants get hospitalized. Their hospitalization had something to do with their history of hypertension.

Life insurance for savings or family protection

A detailed look at what life insurance is all about

I strongly believe that life insurance should primarily be purchased to guarantee financial security for loved ones, to cover payment of a debt (house purchase) or guarantee continuation of a business should an owner/partner die unexpectedly.

Health cover for existing medical problems

Is it possible to get insurance to cover treatment of an existing problem?

Iit still bothers me that many people with existing medical problems can't get insurance to help cover the treatment of medical problems. But, there are some options.

How did they know?

When hospitals sharing information can prove costly

Recently, someone sent me an e-mail asking me if health insurance companies and hospitals in Thailand share information among themselves without permission from the patient.

Who's to blame?

Always understand the terms and conditions of a health insurance policy

I often read complaints about the standard exclusions found in the terms and conditions (T&C) of a particular insurance company's policy. What the complainers don't realize is that these exclusions are in all health insurance policies.

The medical world is changing

More expensive health insurance premiums can mean better equipment

Things keep changing in the field of medical care - and that means that costs keep increasing. The good news, though, is that much of the increase in cost is due to the hospitals buying new and improved test equipment to allow them to quickly spot and diagnose medical problems that would have previously been missed.

Health insurance marketing

A look at the different aspects of health insurance policies in Thailand

Health insurance here in Thailand, as a rule, is much cheaper and much simpler than the health insurance most expats are probably used to.

Understanding medical insurance

What does the small print all mean?

Most medical insurance sold in Thailand, including medical insurance riders found on life insurance, is formed around Basic Hospital Inpatient Coverage, which is broken down into four areas of coverage: 1) Daily Room and Board, 2) Hospital General Expenses, 3) Surgery and 4) Inpatient Doctor Visits.

Showing 8 tagged items out of 18 total Page 2 of 2

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The Region Guides

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Will I find work in Thailand?

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Need Thailand insurance?

Need Thailand insurance?

Have a question about health or travel insurance in Thailand? Ricky Batten from Pacific Prime is Ajarn's resident expert.