Submit your own Great Escape


Q1. Where did you move to and when?

I moved back to the UK earlier this year.

Q2. How long did you work in Thailand?

I was there for just over three years.

Q3. What was your main reason for moving?

I loved every second of my time in Thailand and I lived well by earning between 35,000 up to 50,000 in a good month, but in a moment of clarity I suddenly saw myself earning the same kind of money ten years down the line. Then my mom became ill and my dad found a subtle way to ask me if I would go back and join the family haulage business. I think he sensed that I was at a crossroads and needed to make a decision. So I decided to go back home to wintry England.

Q4. What are the advantages of working where you are now compared to Thailand?

I'm only in my late 20's and I have the luxury of being able to work in the family business on a decent wage. I realise that not everybody has that opportunity though so I know I'm lucky in that respect. Other than that I can't really think of one single advantage.

Q5. What do you miss about life in Thailand?

Where do you start? The food, the weather, the women, the smiles. For me, it was the glorious simplicity of life. Life seems far less complicated in Thailand than it does in the UK. I can't put my finger on why. One thing I do regret is that I spent most of my time in Bangkok and got to see very little of the rest of the country. I made a couple of trips to Chiang Mai and did a weekend in Pattaya but that was about it. I would urge anyone to see as much of the country as they can when they get the chance.

Q6. Would you advise a new teacher to seek work in Thailand or where you are now?

Oh for sure. I think it's an amazing place to spend a few years but I'm certainly not sure about it long-term. I noticed how teaching jobs became more difficult to get - even in the short time I was there - and that was another reason that made up my mind to leave. But Thailand's a cool country. A lot of these 'great escapes' are a bit negative and I find myself scratching my head and wondering where the hell people went wrong.

Q7. Any plans to return to Thailand one day?

I will definitely come back for a holiday and I would never rule it out as a retirement destination (even though that's a long way off) But as a place to work? No. There just aren't enough opportunities for young foreigners to build a future.

Q8. Anything else you'd like to add?

I live in one of those miserable northern towns where almost every shop in the high street is either boarded up or an Asian-run pound shop. There are hoodies drinking cheap cider on every corner and that's when they're not vandalising bus shelters. You go to work, you come home, you watch TV and you go to bed. That seems to be the existence for the majority of the population. Living and experiencing Thailand or any country in Asia for that matter is another world. Everyone should do it!

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