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Q1. Where did you move to and when?

I left Thailand two and a half years ago and moved back to where I grew up in rural East Anglia, England.

Q2. How long did you work in Thailand?

I was in Thailand for 13 years. Six years in Bangkok and seven years in Kanchanburi with my wife and two kids. I taught in a college in Bangkok, a Christian school in Kan, and finally an alternative school for four years in Nakhon Pathom.

Q3. What was your main reason for moving?

High Schools. I was happy with the primary I worked in for my kids to attend but we were limited in our options for high schools. We did not earn enough to pay international school fees, and we didn't really want to move back to Bangkok for a greater choice of schools but having to live in a city.

So we decided that England would provide my daughters with a better education. While the system here is pretty broken, it's turned out to be a great decision as both girls have thrived. They love it here! My oldest has just started high school and is really achieving so much in such a short period of time.

Q4. What are the advantages of working where you are now compared to Thailand?

When I came back I didn't really know what to do. There are a couple of large employers near my village but I really wanted to continue teaching. So I set up as a sole trader and I am teaching Thai kids online. I still had a few students left from the Covid days so got right into it. Mostly though word of mouth, I was able to build up. I currently have 48 students who learn in small groups and I teach four hours a day Monday - Friday, which gives me plenty of time to take my daughters to school. I also do four evenings at Tesco stacking shelves which I love. It keeps me busy and I have made some good friends doing it. I think working for myself has been brilliant. I always loved teaching but had become bored of working in schools with all the Thai bureaucracy. This has been a great way to stay in touch with my students and I guess it's my career, having done it for 13 years now!

Q5. What do you miss about life in Thailand?

I miss a lot. If it was just myself and my wife, we would still be there. We miss the beaches, the mountains, eating out. Life in the UK is stressful. There's so much to remember to do and to pay for. Thailand was very chilled out. However, I do not miss the schools. I see my students struggling with high school and I am so glad my girls don't have to go through it.

Q6. Would you advise a new teacher to seek work in Thailand or where you are now?

If anyone tells you that you can't make money in Thailand, ignore them! There's so much money to be made in English teaching in Thailand. You just have to be a good teacher. Learn a bit of Thai, talk to parents, there are so many opportunities. I live in England on a Thai wage plus stacking shelves at Tesco to top up (my wife is a cleaner on minimum wage) and we can afford to live here. We are not rich but we have a pretty good life here and are able to save. If we were still in Thailand we would be very, very comfortable.

Q7. Any plans to return to Thailand one day?

Absolutely. We are helping my parents-in-law with their retirement house in the north and we plan to return there and retire when I am 57. My Tesco work is also being used to start a private pension which I can get at 57. It won't pay a lot but it will be enough for a simple life in rural Thailand. Obviously plans may change but we really want to settle in Thailand once my daughters finish university or get a job.

Q8. Anything else you'd like to add?

Can't wait to get back to Thailand next Songkran for a 3-week holiday!

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