The number of teaching vacancies in Thailand

In reply to Doug, ‘Why so many government school openings?’ (Postbox18th May 2013) I think both Doug and ajarn both have valid points. Perhaps the reason is not so much the number of jobs available, normal at this time of year, but the pay scales, long hours with extra curriculum activities and working conditions which have produced them? The high cost of living in Thailand means that for most people, 25k to 30k is not enough to live on and will appeal to the younger generation arriving for the ‘experience’. That, in my opinion, is why the more experienced teachers are now largely absent.
“Change of scenery” and “calling it a day” wouldn’t happen so much if the Thais were less discriminatory with the older generation of teachers and valued experience over ‘looks’? China for instance generally pays twice the amount for half the hours that the Thais pay for, (with paid holidays), for experienced teachers and with both Vietnam and Myanmar now beginning to open up, the Thais do seriously need a re-think.