Work permits for teachers

Work permits for teachers

Regarding 'New law regarding work permits for teachers' (Ajarn Postbox, 12th May) It is my understanding that:

If you have an education degree and have completed the TELC course (Thai ethics, language and culture - AKA culture course) you can get your teacher's license (yellow card).

If you have a non-education degree, have completed the TELC course and passed the TCT tests you can get your license (and no longer need the provisional permit).

If you can show professional development (considerable work toward your PGCE / B.Ed/M.Ed) you MAY get a 3rd provisional permit (provided you will complete the course before the permit expires).

If you have done nothing (or done nothing other than enroll) then two work permits is the limit and you are done as a teacher.

This has a significant impact on teachers who change schools since each time you change employers (assuming you had a work permit) you use up one of your two allotted provisional permits. This can use up both permits in as short a time as two semesters. By staying at the same school that period can be up to 4 years (2 permits of 2 years each).

To the best of my knowledge this affects all schools covered under OBEC and all schools covered under the Private Schools Act.


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