Keep your job application simple

Keep your job application simple

I have a few comments for would-be teacher applicants when sending in your application e-mails or in person applications.

KISS... Keep It Simple and Succinct.

The majority of potential employers in Thailand are not going to understand the finesse of a finely tuned resume written in politically correct and flowery context for your home country :
Stick to the points (relevant education and employment).

Anything else should be in the cover letter.

Every potential employer hiring teachers is looking for the same things:

Scan of your Passport (citizenship and validity)
Scan of your Degree (makes you legal to become a teacher).
Scan of your transcript of records (TOR) or other proof of program from your Uni - a KSP requirement.
Scan of a recent police clearance (you want to work with kids - employers and parents want to know.)

If you are NOT a Native Speaker (not one of the 6 "correct" passports) then you NEED to have a valid TOEIC score certificate and the scan should be attached.

Although not a "requirement" if you have a TEFL certificate it would also be appropriate to add a scan to your application.

Leave the rest of the "certificates" off of it.
For entry level EFL work they don't matter.
If you are looking for something higher up the food chain then list them as an appendix to your resume. The employer doesn't want 25 megabytes of scans of your 1-day seminars clogging up his inbox.


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Featured Jobs

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  • Megan

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  • Peter

    British, 55 years old. Currently living in Thailand

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