Degree or non-degree holders

In reply to Jonathan’s comments concerning the degree/non degree debate, (Past, present and future, Ajarn Postbox March 1st). I can assure you that my comments at least were not intended to be “trumpet blowing” or “hate filled”. They were simply observations that only in developing countries could a non-degree holder pass themselves off as a teacher. Surely, if the job requires only oral English capabilities, then all may apply and accent, vocabulary, plus pronunciation can be taught by any native English speaker, (or passing tourist). Perhaps Jonathan fails to realise this and is a little perplexed as to why the Thai government and education authorities are slowly realising that non-professional and/or non-degree holders shouldn’t be educating those that aren’t either?
As for Facebook, I’m afraid that I personally wouldn’t go near that site and as for obtaining information for a place like that, enuf sed, u no Wot i mEan? Certainly, if I was a teenager I too would want a blonde 30-year old, happy and non-degree tourist, against that of a professionally trained educator.
Alas, in all my contact with professional teachers I have never met one who couldn’t teach and the same goes for professional doctors; I have never met one who couldn’t diagnose and/or prescribe either, or a mechanic who didn’t know the workings of an internal combustion engine. I have also never met a non-degree holder who was more or better educated than a degree holder. The title and academic award(s) surely reflects the capabilities and training?
Jonathan suggests that those here for a depraved lifestyle should return to their countries of origin. Unfortunately Jonathan, this I suspect is where many of the non-degree and non-professional teachers are recruited from. They are not returning home because Thailand is one of the few places left where they can pass themselves off as ‘teachers’. The Thais at last are perhaps beginning to realise this?
This dumbing down of professional and academic achievements is, in my opinion, an emerging trend in western societies, where equality now triumphs over professionalism. A society where anyone can be everything with information gleaned from ten minutes spent on a website. Is this the route we want Asia to take? What is starting to happen now, with a tightening of professional standards, was bound to happen and the only surprise is that it took so long. The days of the fake degrees, the backpackers trying to pass themselves off as professionals, the falsified CV’s, the sex tourists . . . . . is starting to come to an end Jonathan.
The bottom line is this; if you haven’t or aren’t capable of educating yourself, you shouldn’t really be in a position to be educating others, no matter what you personally consider yourself capable of.