Ajarn.com's ridiculous job ads

I agree that ajarn.com accepts job ads with ridiculous to insulting wage offers. I also noticed that you are currently trumpeting that you have received over 600 job ads in the last 20 days. Whoopdee-doo. After checking these ads out it seems that for the most part they are not from actual schools but simply more of the same old rip-off agencies offering the same indentured slave wages. We as teachers should boycott these middle man employers, and this website, and apply directly to the schools we wish to work for. Maybe then we can effect a change and accomplish 2 goals;
1. Force these agencies to offer better wages by not responding to their ads.
2. Force ajarn.com to stop accepting these insulting ads and maybe set a minimum wage requirement for advertisers.
This site is mostly for unqualified so called teachers that are only working in Thailand for a non immigrant B visa. I understand that this is a business and you are entitled to make money, but at some point you must develop a conscience and decide if you are only here to make a buck or if you actually wish to better serve your target teacher audience. Remember, without us visiting your website it wont take long for your advertisers to follow. Perhaps you should actually read the majority of letters that you print here and take note of which direction the winds of change are blowing. The only question remaining is whether or not you are impartial enough to print it, or perhaps it doesn't serve your obvious, money hungry agenda.
Glen Travis